344. Annual report. Balance of money.
369. Application of optometry law.
345. Sub-title not to apply to corporations
370. Word "Optometrist" only to be used.
heretofore licensed.
371. Unconstitutionality of sub-title.
346. How partnership may be conducted.
347. Reciprocal provisions.
348-349. School of instruction.
Water, Ice and Sewerage.
350. Penalty.
372. Explanation of terms.
351. Severability.
373-374. Board of Health to have super-
vision over sanitary condition of
waters, ice and sewerage; general
duties of board; advice to county
352. Treatment of free patients.
and municipal authorities and cor-
porations; experiments.
375. Authorities, corporations, etc., supply-
353-356. Board of Optometry; examiners;
ing water or conducting sewerage
system for the public, to file with
qualifications; vacancies; oath; of-
Board of Health certified copy of
ficers; meetings; quorum; funds of;
plans; insufficient plans; additional
compensation ; expenses.
357-358. Practice of optometry, what is;
who may hereafter practice.
359. Persons already practicing optometry
to file affidavit with board; certifi-
cate of registry; fees.
360. Examinations; qualifications of appli-
cant for; fees; subsequent examina-
376. Incompetent supervision or inefficient
operation of water supply or sewer-
age system; order of Board of
Health; competent person to be em-
ployed with approval of board.
377. Water supply or sewerage system
which becomes nuisance and which
361. Failure of persons practicing optom-
etry to apply for certificate of regis-
tration, etc., waives right to certifi-
cannot be remedied by change of
method in operation, board may
remedy; alterations or extensions;
cate ; failure to file certificate forfeits
new system or plant.
378. When waters of state become polluted
362. Optometrist to display certificate;
or dangerous to health due to lack
statement of address, signature and
of a system of public water supply
number of certificate to accompany
or sewerage disposal, or in case of
examination, prescription glasses,
lack of public system of water sup-
etc., when delivered away from
ply or sewerage disposal, board may
place of business.
pass orders remedying conditions.
363. Renewal or revocation of certificate;
379. Counties, cities, corporations, etc., de-
siring to install water supply or sew-
364. Optometrist to record certificate with
erage system for public use to apply
clerk; removal from one county to
to Board of Health for permit ; when
another; penalty for failure to re-
work completed certified copy of
cord; fees.
plans to be filed with board; board
365. Revocation of or refusal to grant cer-
to prescribe rules and regulations and
tificate for misbehavior; charges;
outline them to applicant; permits
hearing; new certificate; second con-
or refusals to be issued promptly.
viction; appeal; deposit for ex-
380. Funds to be raised to comply with
order of Board of Health; issue
366. Selling or prescribing glasses for per-
of bonds, etc.
sons with diseased eyes without their
381. Before land platted for sub-division
consent and without advice of physi-
is marketed or permanent buildings
cian, or concave glasses for persons
erected thereon, plans for water and
under fifteen years without such ad-
sewerage to be submitted to Board
vice, unlawful; proviso.
of Health; board may order addi-
367. Penalty for violating optometry law ;
tional plans and installation of sys-
revocation of license.
368. Title M. D., Dr., etc., not to be used
382. Waters polluted by wastes from man-
by optometrist; penalty.
ufacturing or industrial establish-