248. Officers. Duties. Examinations. Re-
Practical Nurses.
ports. By-Laws.
297-303. Examinations; qualifications; li-
249. Salaries.
250. Who entitled to registration in Balti-
censes ; penalties.
more City.
251. Qualifications of pharmacists and as-
State Board of Barber Examiners.
sistant pharmacists; examinations.
304. Appointment; eligibility.
252. Special examinations for assistant
305. Certificate of appointment.
306. Compensation and mileage for board.
253. Written declaration of applicant.
307. Organization; bond.
254. Certificate to be posted conspicuously ;
308. Sub-boards of examiners; appoint-
ment; qualifications; compensation.
255. Certificate obtained by false repre-
309. Examinations.
sentation to be void; penalty.
310. Examination fee.
256. Reciprocal relations with boards of
311. Affidavit must be filed.
pharmacy of other States.
312. Certificate to be placed in shop.
257. Talbot County excepted; proviso.
313. Revocation of certificate.
258-260. Permits for pharmacies, manu-
314. Yearly report by board to comptroller.
facturers, distributors, etc.; packing
315. When shop declared public nuisance.
of articles, etc.
316. What may be construed as practising
261. Merchants may sell certain drugs.
occupation of barber.
262. Medicine or patent medicine shows.
317. Penalty for violating provisions of
this sub-title.
Poison Law.
263-272. Poison; definition; requirements
for sale; delivery, etc.
318. Only qualified workmen to be em-
ployed; penalty.
Barbital and Other Hypnotic Drugs.
319. Only qualified men to work; penalty.
273. Sale on prescription only.
274. Manufacture; labeling of containers.
320. Board of commissioners of practical
plumbing. Examination. Registra-
275. Definitions.
276. Constitutionality.
277-278. Use by physicians; penalty, en-
321. Fees. Second examination.
322. Disbursement of fees.
323. Term of office of commissioners. Oath.
Qualification. Local law; saving
Cerebro-Spinal Meningitis in Horses ?
324. Rules and regulations. Journeymen
279-280. Appointment, services, etc., of
plumbers. Apprentices. Standards
of requirement. Construction of law.
Revocation and suspension of per-
mit. Proviso.
325. Montgomery and Prince George's
281-283. Appointment, etc., of Commission.
Counties exempt from sub-title;
284-285. Sanitorium; board of managers;
provisions as to said counties.
duties; may hold land, buildings,
286. Board of Visitors Colored Sanatorium
326. State board of funeral directors and
at Henryton.
Registration of Nurses.
327. Appointment and qualifications. Va-
287-296. State board of examining nurses;
328. Oath.
officers; by-laws; compensation;
329. Officers. By-Laws.
meetings. Qualification of appli-
330. Employees and expenses.
cants for registration; "registered
331. Meetings; notice thereof.
nurse"; certificate of registration.
332-342. Registration; license; qualifica-
Sub-title not applicable to gratuitous
tion; fees; license not transferable
nursing. Penalty. Visitor and in-
or assignable; revocation; penalties.
spector. Revocation of certificate.
343. Rules and regulations.