178. Power of said board to forbid sale of
207-210. Cannery .licenses; revocation;
deleterious or unsound articles.
179. Power of said board to examine live
211. Rules and regulations for enforcement
animals and inspect foods and drinks
of "food products" law to be
and forbid sale. Penalty for refusing
adopted by Board of Health; notice
to obey orders of said board.
180. State's attorney to appear and prose-
212-218. Sale, possession, etc., of inedible
181. Penalty for selling malt extract not to
be used as such.
Common Drinking Cup.
182. Time for killing animals.
219. Prohibited; appeal.
183. Penalty for using methyl or wood al-
cohol in flavoring extracts.
Cold Storage.
184. Provisions for manufacture and sale
of vinegar.
220. Explanation of terms.
185. Injurious ingredients.
221-222. License; revocation thereof.
186. Fines for violating law; duty of State
223. Records of food received and with-
board of health.
drawn; secretary of board of health
187. Such fines and costs to cover inspec-
to have access to.
tion and analysis.
224. Duties of secretary of board of health.
188. Magistrates and justices to have juris-
225. Articles of food for human use; if
diseased or tainted, not to be re-
189. Unlawful manufacture, etc., of certain
ceived; articles of food for other
drugs, etc.; proviso.
than human use to be so marked.
190. What terms "drugs" and "food"
226. Articles of food to be marked.
227. Length of time goods to remain in
191. When drugs, etc., are "adulterated."
storage; extension and report there-
192. When drugs, etc., are misbranded.
193. When dealer not to be prosecuted.
228. Goods in storage thirty days or over
194. Standard of quality, etc., of drugs,
to be so marked if sold.
etc.; ice cream.
229. Goods removed from storage not to
195. Ice sherbets, etc.? Sale in containers,
be returned for purpose of placing
on market; transfers from one ware-
196. Food and drug commissioner; duties.
house to another to evade law, pro-
197. Duties and powers of board of health.
198. Examination of specimen drugs, etc.
230. Secretary board of health to make and
file rules and regulations.
199. Word "person" construed; acts of
231. Penalties.
agents, etc.
232. Interpretation of sub-title.
200. Application of secs. 189 to 199; pro-
Common Towels.
233. Prohibited in public places; penalty.
Food Products.
201-202. Board of Health to have super-
vision of places where food products
234-238. Canning with puree; penalties.
manufactured, prepared or kept; in-
spection thereof.
Commissioners of Pharmacy.
203. Rules and regulations for those en-
239. Who may conduct pharmacy.
gaged in handling food and food
240. What is a pharmacy?
241-242. U. S. Pharmacopoeia to be kept
204-205. Violations of "food products"
on file; other equipment.
law; notice to discontinue; hearing;
243. Sanitary requirements.
penalty; jurisdiction of justices of
244. Prescription book.
the peace; jury trial; appeal.
245. Inspection by Department of Health.
206. Board of Health to have access to
246. Constitutionality.
premises; refusal to give or obstruc-
247. Board of pharmacy; appointment;
tion of.
tenure; oath.