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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 1560   View pdf image (33K)
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1560 ARTICLE 33

then be dissolved. Before 12 o'clock, noon, of the second day after such
election the two judges so having custody of said returns and equipment
shall deliver the. statements of votes cast and general return, if any, to
the proper officials named on the envelopes containing the same, and shall
deliver the other equipment to the Board of Supervisors of Elections and
obtain receipt for the same. After the statements of votes cast have been
canvassed in the manner provided by law for the canvassing of ballots,
the original statements of votes cast shall be carefully preserved by the
Board of Canvassers and shall be delivered to the Board of Supervisors
of Elections, to be filed and safely kept in their office for the space of
four months counting from the second day after such election. Said original
statements of votes cast shall be evidence in any contest for any of the
offices for which there were candidates at such election, or concerning the
vote on any question submitted.

1937, ch. 337, sec. 224H.

289. All voting machines used in any primary, general or special
election in Montgomery County shall remain locked and sealed there-
after for a period of thirty days next succeeding such election, after which
time such machines may be unsealed and made available for further use;
provided, however, that if said Board of Supervisors of Elections shall,
within thirty days from the date of any election, receive notice in writing
of any contest over the result of said election, then said Board shall within
five days after receipt of such notice, and in the presence of the principals
involved in any such contest, or their authorized attorneys or representa-
tives, proceed to unlock said machines for the purpose of permitting an
examination of the dials thereof, and after allowing those present a rea-
sonable opportunity to inspect and make record of the dial readings, the
said voting machines shall forthwith be unsealed and made available for
use in any succeeding election.

1937, ch. 337, sec. 224-1.

290. Assistance in operating voting machines which may be installed
in Montgomery County shall be given to voters only in accordance with
the provisions of Section 111 of this Article; provided, however, that if
any qualified voter shall make oath that he or she is unfamiliar with the
operation of such machines, the two judges in charge of the machines, in
the presence of each other and without actually operating any of the levers
of such machines, shall instruct such voter with regard to the method
of operation, but shall not make any inquiry of the voter as to the candi-
dates for whom he or she desires to vote; and after explaining the method
of operation, said judges shall withdraw and thereafter such voter shall not
be permitted to register a vote until he or she has surrendered the official
voters' certificate issued as hereinabove provided.

1937, ch. 337, sec. 224J.

291. No voter in any polling place in Montgomery County wherein
voting machines may be installed shall have the right to remain within
the voting machine booth longer than two minutes if there are other
voters awaiting an opportunity to register their votes; nor shall any voter
occupy such voting machine booth longer than seven minutes.


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The Annotated Code of the Public General Laws of Maryland, 1939
Volume 379, Page 1560   View pdf image (33K)
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