Bank Commissioner.
21 Articles of incorporation
1 Appointment, term, bond, salary and
23 Powers of corporation
25 Examination before business starts.
2 Deputy Commissioner and clerks,
26 Directors, officers, annual meeting
4 Commissioner and employees not to
27 Reorganization of state bank as
own stock of banks or trust com-
national bank
6A Examination by Federal Deposit
Savings Institutions.
Insurance Corporation may be ac-
32 No capital stock, branches
35 Dividends, interest and guarantee
8A Directors may place banking insti-
tution under Commissioner
40A Amendment of charter
9 Commissioner may take possession
40B Voluntary liquidation
if business is improperly con-
40C Consolidation
ducted, notice
41 Application of Secs 32-40C
9A Security for deposits made by re-
Trust Companies.
9AA Notice after Commissioner has
taken possession of banking In-
42 Incorporation, capital
43 Investigation of incorporators, ap-
proval or rejection of charter;
9AB -9C Reorganization of bank in re-
record, fees
ceivership, report by Commis-
44 Commissioner to receive certificate
sioner as receiver
of organization
9D Municipal corporations having de-
45 Certificate to commence business
posits may consent to reorganiza-
tion of banking institution
11 Report of institutions violating law
15 Commissioner and subordinates not
46 Powers of corporation
48 When fiduciary or depository, lia-
bilities are preferred accounts
50 Directors, elections, vacancies
to become indebted to banking in-
stitution, sell securities or nego-
General Regulations.
tiate loans
52A Right of perpetual succession
16 Institutions to pay for examina-
52B Branch banks or trust companies
tions, rate, disposition of pro-
53A Participation in industrial loans
54 Amendment of charter increase or
17 Repealed
reduction of capital
Banking Board.
54A Issuance of preferred stock
19A Appointment, term and duties
54B May issue capital notes, deben-
tures bonds etc
55 For what purposes real estate may
20 Establishment of banks and branch
be purchased, held and conveyed
banks, capital
55A Unlawful to have affiliates