1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 11. Any person who shall contribute to or encourage delinquency
or dependency of any minor, as hereinbefore defined, or any person
charged by law with the care and support of any minor who shall wilfully
neglect to perform his or her duty to such child, or any person who shall
advise or encourage any child to leave the home, school or institiition to
which such child shall have been committed by the court or judge, and,
any person who shall interfere in any way with the execution of any
order made or passed by the court or judge in the exercise of the powers
conferred by this Act, may be cited before such court or judge, and upon
conviction of the offense charged against him by such court or judge, shall
be fined not exceeding fifty dollars, or may be committed to the county
jail for a term not exceeding sixty days; but if the person so charged with
the offense shall pray a jury trial, such case shall be referred to the Cir-
cuit Court and there be tried before a jury as other criminal cases are
tried. Provided, however, that nothing contained herein shall be con-
strued to deprive the judge or court sitting as a Juvenile Court of the
powers now conferred upon the judge or court to punish for contempt.
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 12. All fines imposed by the court or judge under this Act shall
be collected as fines are now collected by the Circuit Court for Baltimore
County in the exercise of its criminal jurisdiction, and when so collected
shall be paid over to the County Commissioners of Baltimore County.
Whenever the said court may determine that a parent or custodian of any
child coming within the provisions of this Act is able to pay the cost of
the proceeding against such child, and it is proper that he should pay the
said costs, or to pay in full or in part the cost of maintaining such child,
he or they may be required to do so, and the court shall have full power
and jurisdiction to pass such order or decree as may seem just and proper
and to enforce obedience to such order as the courts of the State of Mary-
land now have or may hereafter have conferred upon them.
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 13. All costs incurred by the prosecution of cases under this Act
shall be paid by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County, except
as hereinbefore provided; but in no case shall any attorney's appearance
fee, or any clerk's or sheriff's fee, be taxed as part of the costs of such
proceedings, but all costs incurred by the clerk of the court for the pur-
chase of books shall be charged as a part of the expense of his office. In
no case shall any petitioner be held liable for any costs of the case he or
she may institute, unless the court shall be satisfied that the case was insti-
tuted without justification or through prejudice, upon which finding all
costs of the proceedings shall be paid by the petitioner. When any con-
stable may serve any summons or notice of the court, there shall be taxed
as part of the costs of the case the usual fee for such services.