808 ARTICLE 3.
some suitable institution, State or otherwise, organized for the care of
children, approved by the court, until it becomes twenty-one years of age;
and said probation officer, agency or institution may place such child in
the home of some suitable family. The court, however, shall retain the
right to remove such child from such family, home, agency or institution
for such reasons as the court may determine sufficient.
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 8. Whenever any such child is so committed to a probation officer
and the said child is placed in a family home, the court or judge shall
appoint the probation officer guardian of such child; and whenever any
such child is so committed to any agency or institution and placed in a
family home, some responsible representative of such agency or institu-
tion shall be appointed guardian of such child by the court or judge.
And it shall be the duty of such guardian to visit each child committed
to his or her custody and placed in a family home at least once in every
three months, unless otherwise ordered by the court or judge, and to
report to the court or judge the condition and progress of such child; and
such guardian shall exercise proper care for the schooling and training of
such child and make report to the court as often as directed by the order
of appointment; and if any child so placed in such a home or institution
shall leave or quit the same before attaining adult age, and without leave;
of the court or judge, he or she shall be apprehended and brought before
the court or judge and dealt with as the court or judge shall determine
to be best for the interest of the child and the community. All orders of
the court or judge shall be noted fully in the docket provided for by this
Act and the originals carefully preserved in the clerk's office and a dupli-
cate copy made and presented to the guardian so appointed.
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 9. The said Circuit Court for Baltimore County, or the judge
designated as hereinbefore provided, shall, when sitting for the discharge
of the duties imposed by this Act, be known as the "Circuit Court for
Baltimore County, sitting as a Juvenile Court" and shall have exclusive
jurisdiction, where jurisdiction is given by law to any justice of the peace
in and for Baltimore County, in all cases of trial or commitment to any
juvenile institution of any minor specified in this Act.
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 10. No justice of the peace shall commit, for any reason, a child
under fourteen years of age to a jail or police station to be confined with
other prisoners. If any such child shall be unable to give bail for his
or her appearance before the said Circuit Court for Baltimore County,
he or she shall be committed to the care of a probation officer of said court
or to the custody of some society or juvenile institution organized for the
care of children.