hereinbefore provided for and shall he present whenever the court or
judge may sit for hearing cases under the provisions of this Act and make
all proper entries in said docket. That said court or judge shall have the
power to direct the clerk to have printed such forms of petitions, orders
and papers as the court may deem requisite for the proper and conven-
ient discharge of its duties under this Act; the cost of such printing to be
paid for by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County and to be
charged to the item of "Court Expenses."
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 6. The Circuit Court for Baltimore County, or the judge desig-
nated by the court for the purpose of hearing cases under the provisions
of this Act, shall appoint one or more probation officers, who may be
either male or female, who shall be paid a salary not exceeding that paid
to a patrolman on the police force of said Baltimore County, in monthly
installments, by the County Commissioners of Baltimore County. It shall
be the duty of such probation officer or officers to inform himself or them-
selves when any child is to be brought into court and to make investiga-
tions of all such cases, to be present in court to represent the interest of
the child when the case is heard and to furnish the clerk such information
and assistance as the court or judge may require, and to take charge of
such child before or after the trial, as the court may direct; and when-
ever such probation officer shall have knowledge of any dependent, neg-
lected or delinquent child, it shall be the duty of such officer to bring the
same to the attention of the court or the judge by petition, as hereinbefore
In addition to the salary above provided for such probation officer, he
or she shall be allowed for all actual traveling expenses when in the dis-
charge of duties imposed by order of the court or judge; to be paid by
the County Commissioners, upon the approval and order of such court or
1914, ch. 171.
Sec. 7. If upon a hearing and investigation the court or judge shall
find any male child under twenty years of age, or any female child under
the age of eighteen, to be dependent, neglected or delinquent within the
meaning of this Act, liberally construed, the court or judge may allow
such child to remain at its home, subject to the supervision of the proba-
tion officer, and may require such child to report to the court or proba-
tion officer at such times as the court or judge shall order. Or if the
court shall then or thereafter find the parent, parents, guardian or cus-
todian of such child an unfit or improper person or persons, or unable
or unwilling to care for, protect, train, educate and discipline such child,
and shall further find it to be for the interest of such child or the people
of the county that such child be taken from the custody of such parent,
parents, guardian or custodian, the court may make an order committing
such child to the custody of the probation officer or other agency, or to