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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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such cases by law for the recovery of the penalty thereto affixed, they
may affix thereto such reasonable fines not exceeding fifty ($50.00)
dollars in any one case as to them may appear just and proper, and
in default of payment of any fine so imposed, they may provide for
imprisonment of the offender for a period not exceeding twenty days in
the County Jail or until said fine is paid. Instead of the aforesaid pen-
alties, it shall be lawful in case of conviction of any person for vagrancy
to sentence such persons to hard work on the streets of said town for a
period not exceeding ten days.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 8.

17. The said The Mayor and Commissioners of Barton shall have
power to levy an equal tax within the corporate limits of said town, to such
an extent or amount each year not exceeding fifty cents on each one hun-
dred dollars' worth of assessed valuation as they may deem necessary for
the government of said town. Taxes so levied and assessed shall be prop-
erly collected by the bailiff of said town and by the said bailiff paid over
as collected, or within five days thereafter to the Treasurer of said town;
and the bailiff of said town shall have the same power to distrain for taxes
as the Treasurer of Allegany County now has to distrain for the same;
and the said Mayor and Commissioners shall fix the amount of bond, the
rate of compensation and prescribe the duties of said bailiff; said bond
shall guarantee the collection of all taxes imposed by the Mayor and Com-
missioners of Barton except such insolvencies as may from time to time
be allowed by the said The Mayor and Commissioners. And the said The
Mayor and Commissioners, at any time after their election held under
this Act, may appoint two persons, citizens of said town, to assess and
value all property located within said corporate limits, and shall pass all
ordinances necessary, and to prescribe the duties and powers of said
assessors; provided, however, that the assessment for town purposes shall
not exceed the assessment for State and County purposes, and the said
The Mayor and Commissioners shall have power to pass such ordinances
as they may deem proper for the assessment, reassessment, transfer and
appeals from assessment, of properties of said town; or the said The
Mayor and Commissioners may accept for said assessment purposes the
values placed upon the real and personal property within said town as
are placed thereon by the State and County Assessment.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 9.

18. All fines or forfeitures imposed by the ordinance of the town of
Barton shall be imposed by a Justice of the Peace of Allegany for the
election district in which said town is located, upon a warrant to be
issued, directed to the bailiff or any policemen, and the person so con-
victed and in default of payment thereof, may be committed to the jail
in Allegany County, or any other places of confinement provided by the
said The Mayor and Commissioners.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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