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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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1918, ch. 328, sec. 7.

16. The Mayor and Commissioners of Barton shall have power to pass
all ordinances necessary for the good government of said town; to pre-
vent, remove and abate nuisances or obstructions in or upon the streets,
highways, lanes or alleys, drains or watercourses, or in or upon any lot
or lots adjacent thereto, and to provide for imposing a fine or fines upon
any person or persons causing or creating any such nuisance or obstruc-
tion; to remove or cause to be removed houses or other structures that
may be dangerous to persons passing along or over any of the said high-
ways of the said town; to make reasonable regulations in regard to build-
ings to be erected in said town and to grant building permits for the same;
to open and extend streets, to open alleys, to make and establish grades
upon the streets and highways of the said town; to cause the sidewalks
and gutters along the public streets and highways to be graded and paved,
repaired or improved at the cost and expense of the abutting property
owners thereof, such paving and grading to be made economically so as
to minimize the expense thereof; to cause the watercourses and drains or
sewers of said town to be kept in repair and cleaned; to establish markets
and to regulate the hours and limits thereof; to grant licenses for mar-
ketable commodities; to license pool and billiard rooms, bowling alleys,
shooting galleries and the regulation of the hours thereof; to regulate and
provide for the control of public grounds and the property of the town;
to establish and regulate a station house or lockup for the temporary con-
finement of the violators of the laws and ordinances of the town; to sup-
press vagrancy and to prohibit or the keeping of bawdy houses or houses
of ill-fame within the said corporate limits, and to provide for the pun-
ishment of all persons who shall keep or suffer to be kept in their prop-
erty any such houses; to regulate and provide for the issuing of licenses
or permits for all hawking, peddling or vending of wares and merchan-
dise of every description on the streets or highways of the town, and to
issue licenses or permits to all itinerant persons who dispense medicine; to
demand a license from all players or showmen exhibiting within the said
town; to provide for the licensing of theatres and to regulate and restrain
theatrical or other amusements that might be detrimental to the morals
of the town; to regulate and license auctioneers who cry sales on the
streets of the town; to put a license upon all saloons, hotels, taverns,
restaurants and all other places where malt, spirituous or fermented liquors
or lager beer are sold. The said The Mayor and Commissioners of Bar-
ton shall have power to regulate and control all offensive trades, manu-
factures and traffic in offensive, dangerous or explosive materials in said
town; they shall also have power to regulate the sanitary condition of the
town and to establish a Board of Health for the proper control of con-
tagious diseases; they may provide for the codification of all ordinances
which may from time to time be passed for the purpose of carrying out
the foregoing powers; and to the observance of said ordinances, in addi-
tion to the action of debt or such other civil remedies as may exist in


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 7   View pdf image (33K)
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