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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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1918, ch. 328, sec. 10.

19. In case of death or refusal to act, resignation or disqualification
of the Mayor or any of the Commissioners or Clerk, the remaining Com-
missioners or a majority of them shall have power to appoint some per-
son or persons to fill their unexpired term, and any such person shall have
all the qualifications to hold such office as is provided for in this Act.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 11.

20. The Mayor and Commissioners of Barton shall cause to be main-
tained a registration of the legal and qualified voters residing within the
corporate limits of the town of Barton, of all male citizens of 21 years
of age or over, who have resided within said corporate limits for the
period of six months and who are citizens of the United States; and such
registration shall be essential to the right to vote at any election held under
the charter of the said town of Barton. The said The Mayor and Com-
missioners of Barton shall annually, during the month of April of each
year, appoint two persons to act as officers of said registration, who shall
sit as officers of registration at such places in said town as may be desig-
nated by the said Mayor and Commissioners, on the first Monday in April
in each year, and shall sit not less than eight (8) hours, and ten days'
public notice of said sitting and the places thereof shall be given by adver-
tisement by way of notices on handbills posted in not less than ten public
places within the corporate limits of town of Barton.

1918, ch. 328, sec. 12.

21. The said registration officers shall sit on the tenth day next pre-
ceding and exclusive of the date of any election for officials of said town
of Barton, at the same places at which the election is to be held between
the hours of 7 P. M. and 9 P. M. to receive nominations. Any person
desiring to have his name placed upon the official ballot at the ensuing
election shall at such time present to said registration officers a petition
setting forth his name, residence, age, whether he is a citizen of the United
States and the length of time he has lived in the town of Barton, and the
office which he seeks, and such petition shall be signed by at least twenty
qualified voters. No signature shall be counted if it shall be upon more
than one nomination paper of a candidate for Mayor or Clerk or if upon
more than four nomination papers of candidates for Commissioners. Im-
mediately after the sitting of said registration officers for the purpose of
receiving petitions of nominations as aforesaid, they shall report to the
Mayor and Commissioners of Barton the name or names of those so nomi-
nated and the said Mayor and Commissioners shall forthwith make up
the official ballot from the names of qualified voters so submitted to them
and no name shall be placed upon said ballot by the said Mayor and Com-
missioners except such as shall be certified to them as having been prop-
erly nominated by said registration officials as above set out and no ballots
shall be accepted or counted by the judges of election except those in
manner and form as herein prescribed for the official ballot. There shall


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 9   View pdf image (33K)
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