1918, ch. 328, sec. 5.
14. The Mayor, Clerk and the Commissioners elected under the pro-
visions of this Act shall qualify on the 4th Monday in June in each year
after the election by taking the following oath, to be administered by
some Justice of the Peace of Allegany County, Maryland: I, ...........
do swear (or affirm) that I will execute the office of Mayor, Clerk or
Commissioners, as the case may be, to the best of my ability, without
prejudice, fear, favor or partiality. The Mayor of said town shall preside
at all meetings of The Mayor and Commissioners of Barton and shall be
entitled to a vote upon any motion or question before them for decision,
and he shall execute all ordinances passed by them and he shall be ex-
officio chairman of all committees appointed by them. The Mayor and
Commissioners shall meet whenever called by the Mayor and as often as
occasion may require for the welfare and good government of the said
town, but not less than once a month. The said Mayor and Commis-
sioners shall define the duties of the Clerk and allow him such compensa-
tion for his services as they may think proper and all ordinances passed
by them shall be entered by the Clerk in a book to be kept for that purpose
and shall be open at all times for the inspection of any person interested;
and copies of all ordinances passed by said Mayor and Commissioners
shall be posted in three (3) public places in said town within thirty (30)
days after their passage.
1918, ch. 328, sec. 6.
15. The said Mayor and Commissioners or a majority of them shall
have full power and authority annually at their first meeting on the 4th
Monday in June, to appoint a bailiff and such other police officers as they
may deem necessary and shall likewise have full power and authority to
appoint a treasurer and attorney for the said town of Barton and allow
them such compensation for their services as they may deem necessary.
And the said bailiff and other policemen who may be appointed shall serve
warrants and make arrests for violation of the ordinances of said town,
and it shall be their duty to preserve the peace and good order of the
said town at all times, and for these purposes the said bailiff and police-
men are hereby vested with the same power and authority as constables
of the said County now have under the laws of this State, and they shall
receive such compensation as the said Mayor and Commissioners shall
deem just and reasonable. The said Treasurer, bailiff and other police-
men so appointed, under this section, before entering upon the duties of
their office, shall make oath before the Mayor of Barton that they will
impartially perform the duties required of them to the best of their skill
and judgment without favor, affection or prejudice, and the said Treas-
urer, in addition to the oath prescribed, shall give bond to the Mayor and
Commissioners of Barton in the sum of two thousand ($2,000) dollars
for the faithful performance of his duties.