shall be allowed mileage in returning to his residence during the time he
shall be required to attend said court.
1920, ch. 296.
344. Whenever the County Surveyor of Worcester County shall be
required to attend in his official capacity as a witness before the Circuit
Court for Worcester County or any other Court in the State of Maryland,
he shall be entitled to receive for each day he shall attend as such witness
the sum of five dollars and his actual and necessary traveling expenses
to and from said Court; and for all other services required of him in his
official capacity he shall be entitled to receive the sum of five dollars per
day and his actual and necessary expenses connected therewith.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 287. 1920 Code, sec. 479.
345. It shall be the duty of the Wreckmaster, on the earliest intelli-
gence, or on application by or on behalf of any owner or commander of
a ship or other vessel in danger of being stranded, or being stranded, to
command any constable, to be appointed by him for that purpose, to sum-
mon as many men as shall be thought necessary to the assistance of such
ship or vessel.
P. L. L,., 18S8, Art. 24, sec. 288. 1920 Code, sec. 480.
346. If there be any ship or vessel belonging to any citizen of this
State riding near the place, he shall have power to demand of the com-
manding officer thereof assistance by their boats and such hands as they
can conveniently spare; and if any commanding officer shall neglect to
give such assistance, he shall forfeit the sum of five hundred dollars, to be
recovered by the officer or owner of the distressed ship or vessel, in any
Court in this State.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 289. 1920 Code, sec. 481
347. The Wreckmaster of said county shall be entitled to receive twen-
ty-five dollars for the first day he shall go to take charge of a wreck, and
ten dollars per day for every day thereafter that his services are required,
or that he may be employed or engaged in saving or attempting to save
the vessel or cargo.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 290. 1920 Code, sec. 482.
348. All others who shall assist in preserving any ship or other vessel
in distress, when employed or summoned by the Wreckmaster, for such
service shall be paid two dollars apiece for each day he shall be engaged.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 291. 1920 Code, sec. 483.
349. In default of such payment, the vessel or goods shall remain in
the custody of the Wreckmaster until all charges are paid, or security
given for the same, to the satisfaction of the parties.