5324 ARTICLE 24.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 292. 1920 Code, sec. 484.
350. If no person shall claim the goods saved, he shall take possession
thereof, and cause a true description of the marks, numbers and kinds
of such goods to be advertised four weeks in Baltimore and Philadelphia
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 293. 1920 Code, sec. 485.
351. He shall, if the goods be perishable, sell the same forthwith, but
if not, he shall retain them three months, and if no person shall within
that time claim them he shall sell them at public sale, and after deducting
all charges, shall pay the balance to the Treasurer of Maryland, who shall
keep an account of the same for the benefit of the owners or insurers, who,
upon proof of their property to the satisfaction of the comptroller, shall,
upon his warrant, receive the same.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 294. 1920 Code, aec. 486.
352. If any person besides those empowered by the Wreckmaster shall
enter, or endeavor to enter on board any vessel in distress, without the
leave of the commanding officer, or if any person shall molest him or
them in saving the vessel or goods, or shall endeavor to hinder the saving
of such vessel or goods, or shall deface the marks of any such goods before
they are taken down in a book by the Wreckmaster, he shall forfeit and
pay the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars, to be recovered by the owner
of the vessel or goods in any court of record in this State; and in case of
failure to pay such forfeiture immediately, or to give security to pay the
same within one month, he shall receive not exceeding thirty-nine lashes
on his bare back, by order of such court.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 295. 1920 Code, sec. 487.
353. Any commanding officer of a vessel in distress, or the Wreckmas-
ter, may repel by force any persons who shall without consent press on
board such vessel and thereby molest them in preserving the vessel or
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 296. 1920 Code, sec. 488.
354. If any goods shall be found upon any person that were stolen or
carried off from any vessel in distress, he shall, upon demand, deliver the
same to the owner or Wreckmaster, or to such other person as shall be
authorized by either of them to receive the same, or shall be liable to pay
four times the value, to be recovered with costs in any court in this State.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 297. 1920 Code, sec. 489.
355. If any person shall make, or assist in making, a hole in any vessel
in distress, or steal any pump, materials or goods from any vessel, or shall
wilfully do anything tending to the immediate loss of such vessel, he shall
be guilty of felony, and on conviction, shall be sentenced to the peniten-
tiary for not less than five nor more than fifteen years.