5322 ARTICLE 24.
1914, ch. 407. 1920 Code, sec. 460.
341. Every person within Worcester County who has no visible means
of maintenance from property or personal labor, or is not permanently
supported by his or her friends or relatives, who lives idle, without em-
ployment; and every person who leads a dissolute or disorderly course of
life, and cannot give an account of the means by which he procures a
livelihood, and every gypsy, fortune teller or common gambler shall be
deemed a vagabond.
And every person who habitually wanders about and begs in the streets
of any town, or from house to house, or sits or stands or takes a position
in any place and begs from passersby, either by words or gestures, shall
be deemed an habitual beggar, and every person who wanders about and
lodges in outhouses, market places, barracks, sheds, barns or in any public
building, or in the open air, and has no permanent place of abode or visible
means of maintenance shall be deemed a vagrant.
1914, ch. 407. 1920 Code, sec. 461.
342. Every such vagabond, gypsy, habitual beggar and vagrant, upon
conviction before the Circuit Court of Worcester County, or before any
Justice of the Peace having criminal jurisdiction, shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject to imprisonment in the county jail
or in the Maryland House of Correction for a period of not less than two
months or more than six months for the first conviction; and not less than
six months or more than twelve months for the second or any subsequent
conviction; provided, that any person found to be a vagabond or habitual
beggar who may not be able-bodied, but aged or infirm or seriously crip-
pled may in the discretion of the Court or the Justice of the Peace, be
committed to the almshouse or be paroled; and provided also, that any
minor committed under this Act may be sent to any reformatory institu-
tion to which minors may be committed under Article 27 of the Code of
Public General Laws of Maryland, or paroled in the discretion of the
Court or the Justice of the Peace.
(All local laws relating to wild fowl were repealed by ch. 568, 1927. See 1929 Sup-
plement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 286. 1920 Code, sec. 478.
343. Each witness residing in said county summoned to attend the
Circuit Court for said county shall be entitled to receive for each day he
shall attend as a witness the sum of seventy-five cents, and four cents a
mile for every mile his residence may be distant from the place of holding
said court, to be computed for every day he shall attend; but no witness.