in amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal thereof as
they shall become due, the said Mayor and Council shall annually levy on
all the taxable property of the said town such sums of money as shall in
the judgment of the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill be necessary for
the prompt payment of the interest on said bonds and the principal thereof
when the same shall become due, and any surplus on hand at any time
arising from such revenues and from such levy, or either of them, shall
be by the said Mayor and Council invested in some safe securities as a
sinking fund, which shall not at any time be diverted from the purposes
of this Act. The money arising from the sale of said bonds shall be paid
to the Mayor and Council of said town and by the said Mayor and Coun-
cil deposited in some safe bank and shall only be drawn therefrom on
checks signed by the Mayor and countersigned by the Secretary and
1924, ch. 179, sec. 5.
329. The Mayor and Council of Snow Hill shall select some depository
in which to deposit the money necessary for the payment of the principal
and interest on said bonds when the same mature and become due and
shall designate said bank on said bonds and the coupons thereto attached.
1924, oh. 179, sec. 6.
330. The money arising from the sale of said bonds, or so much there-
of as may be necessary, shall be available for the purchase of the existing
electric light plant in Snow Hill and for improvements, repairs and better-
ments thereto.
1924, ch. 179, sec. 7.
331. Nothing in this Act contained is intended or shall be taken or
construed as relieving the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill from any of
the provisions of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1910, known as the Public Service Commission Law, or any
amendment thereto.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 260. 1920 Code, sec. 450.
332. The owner of any stallion may enter into a contract with the
owner of any mare pledging the progeny of such mare by such stallion for
the amount of the service money of such stallion; such contract shall be
in writing, signed by the respective parties thereto, and attested by at
least one witness, and shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the
county wherein such mare is situated, among the records of bills of sale,
within twenty days after its date; and from and after the date of the
record thereof, and for the space of one year from the date of the foaling
of such progeny, the owner of said stallion shall have been a lien upon
said progeny for the amount of the service money aforesaid; and if the