5320 ARTICLE 24.
said owner of said mare, without the consent of the owner of said stallion
first had and obtained in writing, shall remove such mare or foal out of
the county, where said contract is recorded, or shall secrete, destroy or
sell the same, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
indictment therefor and conviction thereof, shall be fined or imprisoned,
or both, in the same manner and to the same extent as provided for
offenders against the provisions of Section 210 of Article 27 of the Code
of Public General Laws, title "Crimes and Punishments."
P. L. L., 1S88, Art. 24, sec. 261. 1920 Code, sec. 451.
333. If said service money shall not be paid, the owner of said stallion,
upon applying to some justice of the peace of the State, in and for the
county in which the owner of said progeny resides, and swearing to the
correctness of his claim, shall have issued a writ of fieri facias upon the
said progeny, which writ shall be directed to some constable or other offi-
cer, who thereupon shall seize said progeny and sell the same tinder the
provisions of the code of public general laws regulating sales under exe-
cution from justices of the peace.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 24, sec. 262. 1920 Code, sec. 452.
334. After the expenses attending such sale, and the amount of the
lien upon said progeny have been satisfied, the balance, if any, shall be
paid to the owner of such property sold.
1914, ch. 403. 1920 Code, sec. 453.
335. The State's Attorney for Worcester County shall receive an an-
nual salary of fifteen hundred dollars for the performance of the official
duties of his said office which are now or may hereafter be required by
law, said salary to be in lieu of all fees, appearance and trial, and all
other compensation, and to be payable by the County Treasurer in semi-
annual installments of seven hundred and fifty dollars each on the first
day of July and the first day of January; and said salary shall include
the compensation of said State's Attorney for services rendered before the
Justices of the Peace in said county in all criminal cases when in the pub-
lic interest he attends any hearings or trials before said Justices; and
shall include all advice regarding criminal matters which he shall give
any of said Justices, but his actual expenses incurred in following and
trying criminal cases removed from said County shall be paid in addition
to this salary.
Worcester Co. v. Melvin, 89 Md. 38.
1914, ch. 403. 1920 Code, sec. 454.
336. It shall be the duty of the Sheriff to promptly collect and forth-
with pay over to the County Treasurer all appearance or other fees taxed
as part of the costs of any criminal case, after this Act takes effect; and