5318 ARTICLE 24.
tools, implements, machinery, apparatus or engines shall be actually em-
ployed and used in the business of manufacturing in said town.
1902, ch. 185. 1920 Code, sec. 420.
325. Annually, on the first day of April next succeeding each levy of
county taxes, beginning with April the first, nineteen hundred and three,
the Board of County Commissioners of Worcester County shall pay to the
Mayor and Council of Snow Hill one-half of all sums levied by said Coun-
ty Commissioners for road and bridge taxes upon property within the
corporate limits of Snow Hill, and collected within the preceding twelve
months, to be expended by the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill for the
repair, maintenance and improvement of the streets and roads within the
corporate limits of Snow Hill, as a part of the public roads of Worcester
1902, ch. 185. 1920 Code, sec. 421.
326. The words "Road and Bridge" taxes as used in the last preced-
ing section, shall include and embrace every sum or item in the annual
levy of county taxes applied to, or to be applied to the supervision, main-
tenance or improvement of the county roads and bridges, embracing labor,
appliances and materials, except only such sums as are levied to the Poco-
moke Bridge Company and the Ocean City Bridge Company.
1924, ch. 179, sec. 1.
327. The Mayor and Council of Snow Hill is hereby authorized and
empowered to acquire by purchase and to operate and maintain the exist-
ing electric light plant in Snow Hill for the lighting of the public build-
ings and highways of said town, and to sell light or heat or light and
heat for both public and private buildings and to any and all consumers
to the same extent that a private owner of said plant might so supply the
Worcester Electric Co. v. Hancock, 151 Md. 671.
1924, ch. 179, sec. 4.
328. For the purpose of redeeming said bonds at maturity and for
securing the prompt payment of the interest thereon, the said Mayor and
Council is hereby authorized and directed to apply all net income arising
from light or heat or light and heat, rents or charges, after all expenses
including operation, maintenance, betterments and repairs are deducted,
first to the payment of the interest on said bonds and secondly to invest
the remainder, if any there be, in a sinking fund for the payment of the
said bonds as they respectively mature. The coupons on said bonds shall
be receivable by the said Mayor and Council in payment of taxes due to
said town. In the event that the said net revenues shall not be sufficient
*Secs. 2 and 3, ch. 179, 1924, authorized ?20,000 for the light plant.