5310 ARTICLE 24.
of said town, the width thereof, and prescribe the material of which they
shall be built; to cause the sidewalks along said public streets to be graded,
paved, repaved or improved, and curbs to be set, at the cost and expense
of the owners of the abutting property, which cost shall be a lien on the
abutting property and recoverable by action at law, or compel by fines
or otherwise, the owner or proprietors of any such lot or lots to grade,
pave or repave the sidewalks, set curbs in front thereof, agreeable to ordi-
nances that may hereafter be passed; to establish a market house by lease
or otherwise, and regulate the days, hours and limits thereof, and mode
of dealing therein, to grant licenses or permits for the sale of marketable
commodities such as fresh meats, fruits, vegetables, poultry, etc.; to con-
trol and protect the public grounds, cemeteries and property of said town;
to provide for and regulate the issuing of licenses or permits for all hawk-
ing, peddling and vending of any goods, wares or merchandise of every
description, upon the streets or highways of said town, or to itinerant
peddlers that go from house to house to sell their goods, wares, merchan-
dise, or to itinerant persons who dispense patent medicines or medical
advice; to regulate, and provide licenses and tax on all carts, wagons,
carriages, hacks and vehicles of all kind that ply for hire within the limits
of said town; to provide for and regulate licenses or permits for all exhi-
bitions and shows within said town, or to prohibit and restrain them, and
to prohibit and restrain gambling and games of chance of all kinds; to
regulate and to provide for a tax on dogs; to provide for and prevent the
running at large of all horses, cattle, hogs, geese, chickens and other fowl
upon the streets or within the limits of said town; to provide by ordi-
nance for condemning, laying out, opening, extending and making new
streets or alleys, and for altering, straightening, widening, grading, im-
proving, closing up in whole or in part any existing street or alley, and
for removing trees, posts and other obstructions, and for laying out pub-
lic squares, drains, water courses; and all benefits or damages done, suf-
fered or incurred by the laying out, opening and making of new streets
or alleys, or by altering, straightening, widening, grading, improving, or
closing up in whole or in part any existing street or alley, or laying out
of public squares, drains and water courses, shall be determined and as-
sessed by three distinterested persons, residents of said town, appointed
by the Mayor and approved by the Council, who shall, within ten days
after ratification of their appointment, take an oath before a Justice of
the Peace of Worcester County, that they will faithfully and fairly, and
without partiality or prejudice, value and assess the loss and damages to
be suffered and incurred by any person or persons interested in the said
property, over, through and by which the said street or alley, square,
drain or waterway is to be opened, closed, extended, widened, graded or
improved, and also to estimate the benefits that may accrue therefrom to
any such property, over, through and by which the said street or alley,
square, drain or waterway is to be opened, closed, extended, widened,
graded or improved, or any property adjacent thereto, or any other prop-
erty injured or benefited by said street, alley, square, drain or water-