as well as those to be levied after the passage hereof; and in every such
action, including such actions before Justices of the Peace, an appearance
fee of five dollars to the plaintiff's attorney shall be taxed as a part of the
plaintiff's costs.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 404.
308. The night watchman, before entering upon his duties, shall sub-
scribe to an oath for the faithful performance of his duties; he shall be
vested with all the police powers of constables, and any one resisting him
in the discharge of his duties shall be liable upon conviction to punish-
ment in the same manner and to the same extent as if he had resisted a
constable; the Mayor shall have power to appoint special police for a
term not exceeding forty-eight hours, when he deems it necessary for the
peace and good order of the town, and to prescribe their duties and fix
their compensation,
1894, Ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 405. 1927, ch. 639,
309. The Mayor and Council shall have power to make such by-laws
and pass such ordinances, not contrary to law and in conformity with this
charter, as they may deem necessary for the good government of the town
and the inhabitants thereof; to prevent, remove and abate all nuisances
and obstructions in or upon the streets, sidewalks, highways, lanes, alleys,
drains, waterways or rivers, or in or upon any lot, and to provide for im-
posing a fine or fines upon any person or persons causing or creating any
such nuisance or obstructions; to grant permits for and control and regu-
late the erection of all buildings, specifying in all cases the material of
which they shall be built, and for what purposes used, and to have power
to remove or order the removal of any building that may be a nuisance,
or that may have been erected or built of wood and commonly known as
frame buildings, on the burnt district since the fire of August 7th, eighteen
hundred and ninety-three, that may have been erected under a permit to
erect temporary buildings or that may have been erected contrary to any
ordinance heretofore passed, or hereafter to be passed, that may endanger
any building contiguous thereto in case of fire; and to have power to fix
all building lines in said town and to enact ordinances and impose fines
for the enforcement of these provisions; to have full power to grant per-
mits and franchises for the use of the streets, lanes, alleys, and other
thoroughfares of Snow Hill by telephone, telegraph, electric light and
other wires and poles in, over and upon, or pipes under the same, for the
purpose of installing a system of gas or electric or other lights, or power,
or of water works or other public enterprise involving the use of the said
streets, lanes, alleys or other thoroughfares, and to levy a tax on all poles,
wires, pipes and other property connected therewith; in the discretion of
the Mayor and Council to require of any person, company or corporation
who may be granted a permit or franchise for the use of said streets,
alleys or lanes, a bond which shall guarantee to the town of Snow Hill
good service; to establish grades upon the streets, gutters and sidewalks