5308 ARTICLE 24.
by order of the Council; and as treasurer he shall receive all money that
may be collected for taxes, fees, fines or otherwise, by any law or ordi-
nance, or through the policeman, collector, or by himself as secretary, and
credit each item under separate heads, and shall deposit the same in the
First National Bank of Snow Hill to the credit of the Mayor and Council
promptly, and make monthly reports; and all such moneys shall be paid
out only by order of the Council, approved by the Mayor and counter-
signed by said secretary and treasurer; he shall subscribe to an oath for
the faithful performance of his duties as such secretary and treasurer,
and shall give bond to the State of Maryland in the sum of fifteen hun-
dred dollars, to be approved by the Mayor and Council, conditioned for
the faithful performance of his duties; and his books shall be subject to
inspection by any taxpayer.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 402.
306. The policeman, before entering upon his duties, shall give bond
to the State of Maryland in the penalty of five hundred dollars, condi-
tioned for the faithful performance of his duties, and shall subscribe to
an oath for the faithful performance of his duties, for the enforcement
of the ordinances of the town and the preservation of its peace and good
order; he shall be vested with all the police powers of constable, and any
one resisting him in the discharge of his duties shall be liable upon con-
viction to punishment in the same manner and to the same extent as if
he had resisted a constable; and he shall perform all such other duties as
are or shall be imposed upon him by law, ordinance or by order of the
Mayor or Council, and he shall pay over to the treasurer monthly all fines
and fees collected by him.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 403. 1920, ch. 298.
307. The tax collector before entering upon the discharge of his duties
shall subscribe to an oath for the faithful performance of his duties and
give bond to the State of Maryland in a sum twice the amount of the taxes
levied, to be approved by the Mayor and Council, and conditioned for the
faithful performance of his duties; he shall collect all taxes that may be
levied by law, ordinance, or otherwise, and shall pay the same promptly
to the Treasurer; he shall keep safe and return when demanded, his tax
assessment books, bills, papers and receipts, and shall make monthly re-
ports of his collections; his books shall be subject to inspection by any
taxpayer; all such taxes shall be collected as county taxes are now col-
lected in Worcester County, or by suit and execution as debts are now
collected; and if collected by suit and execution such suit and execution
shall be in the corporate name of the Mayor and Council of Snow Hill;
and every judgment and execution in such suits for taxes shall have prior-
ity over all other liens of whatsoever character except for unpaid taxes
due the United States, the State of Maryland, or any of the counties of
the State of Maryland; and this remedy may be applied to the collec-
tion of all taxes already levied by said Mayor and Council of Snow Hill