qualify as above; they shall appoint one of their own number as clerk;
they shall keep the polls open from 2 o'clock P. M. to 6 o'clock P. M.,
and they shall, within two days after the election, return, under their
hands, the number of votes cast for eligible candidates for election, and
for whom cast, with a copy of their oath, to the Clerk of the Circuit Court
for Worcester County, who shall file the same at once and issue certifi-
cates of elections to the eligible persons receiving the largest number of
votes; said certificates shall be recorded among the proceedings of the
Council; should the Mayor fail to perform the duties imposed upon him,
he shall be subject to indictment in the Circuit Court for Worcester Coun-
ty, and upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars, to be
paid into the treasury of the town.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 399.
303. The Council shall meet the second Monday ensuing their elec-
tion, and shall hold stated meetings the first Monday of every month there-
after, and adjourned meeting or meetings, called by the Mayor, as often
as necessary for the transaction of business; a majority of the Council-
men shall constitute a quorum.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 400. 1920, ch. 297, sec. 400.
304. At their first regular meeting after the annual election and the
qualification of the newly elected members or as soon thereafter as prac-
ticable, the Mayor by and with the advice of the Council shall appoint
one person who shall be a member of said Council who shall be Secretary
and Treasurer to said board, one person who shall be policeman, one per-
son as tax collector, and if it shall be deemed advisable by said Mayor
and Council, the Mayor shall also appoint one person as night watchman
and one person as counsel to the board; provided, however, that the police-
man or any of the Councilmen other than the Secretary and Treasurer
may also be collector of taxes; any of the above named officers shall be
subject to removal by a vote of two-thirds of the whole Council, or by a
vote of one Councilman with the approval of the Mayor. The Council
shall prescribe their duties and fix their compensation by ordinance, ex-
cept the Secretary and Treasurer, who shall receive in addition to his
salary as Councilman the sum of fifty dollars per annum.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 401.
305. The secretary shall keep a careful and accurate record of the
proceedings of the Council and record all the ordinances passed in well-
bound books to be kept exclusively for that piirpose; keep all books, papers,
records and documents in his safe custody, make out the assessment books,
issue licenses and permits, and receive the money therefor, to be paid
into the treasury, and make monthly reports of the same; he shall file all
claims and accounts presented against the town, and when the same are
approved and passed by the Council, make a record of the same, and per-
form such other duties as are imposed upon him by law or ordinance or