5306 ARTICLE 24.
as aforesaid. The right of appeal herein provided for shall apply both to
general and intermediate registration years.
1894, oh. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 395. 1920, ch. 297, sec 395.
299. Any person elected as Mayor or Councilman shall before he
enters upon the duties of his office make oath before the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for Worcester County that he will diligently and faithfully,
without favor, partiality or prejudice, perform the duties of such Mayor
or Councilman of said town, a certificate of which shall be returned by
said Clerk and filed and recorded among the proceedings of said Mayor
and Council; and the said Councilmen shall receive an annual salary of
fifty dollars each.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 396.
300. If any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor or Council by
death, removal, resignation, failure to qualify or otherwise, the remaining
Councilmen, at their next regular meeting shall elect a suitable person
as Mayor or Councilman, as the case may be, to serve until the next elec-
tion, who shall subscribe to the oath, which shall be certified to and re-
corded as in the preceding section; and at the next annual election the
qualified voters shall elect by ballot a person to fill the said vacancy for
the unexpired term.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 397.
301. The Mayor shall see that the ordinances of the town are faith-
fully executed, and shall report to the Council, after each annual election,
the condition of municipal affairs, accompanying his reports with such
recommendations as he may deem proper for the public good and welfare
of the town. He shall have the power of vetoing any ordinances as here-
inafter provided; and for his services shall receive an annual salary of
fifty dollars.
1894, ch. 455. 1920 Code, sec. 398. 1929, ch. 198, sec. 398.
302. The Mayor shall publish in one or more newspapers published
in said town, at least ten days prior to holding each election, notice thereof,
which notice shall state the object of such election, the day and hour of
holding and the officers to be voted for, and the Mayor shall publish in
one or more newspapers published in said town, at least two days prior to
holding each election the name or names of the persons eligible for elec-
tion and the office for which each such person is eligible. He shall also
appoint, three days prior to holding such elections, three citizens, qualified
voters of said town, to act as judges of elections, who, before entering upon
the discharge of their duties, shall take oath before the Clerk of the Cir-
cuit Court for Worcester County, to act fairly and impartially as judges
of election for Mayor and Councilmen; and in case of failure of said
persons so appointed to appear and qualify, the Mayor shall issue a cer-
tificate to one or more persons to act as such judge or judges, who shall