taining the name and address of the person seeking office, and the office
to which he seeks to be elected, such certificate to be duly acknowledged
by the person filing the same before an officer duly authorized under the
General Laws of the State of Maryland to take acknowledgments, who
shall append thereto a certificate of such acknowledgment, and no votes
cast for any person failing to file such certificate shall be counted in such
election- and on or before the second Tuesday in April, 1921, and annu-
ally thereafter the City Council of Snow Hill then in office shall appoint
two officers of registration for said town of Snow Hill who shall on the
second Tuesday of April, 1921, and the following Wednesday and on the
same days annually thereafter, after having been duly sworn before the
Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester County, Maryland, to faithfully
discharge their duties as such registration officers, attend at the usual
place of voting in the Municipal Building in the town of Snow Hill for
the purpose of revising said registration list; the first day of such annual
sitting beginning with the year 1921, shall be devoted to adding new
names to said list and to making up a list of persons then on said list but
who may be suspected of having become disqualified as voters in Snow
Hill. At the close of the sitting on said first day beginning with the year
1921, the said registration officers shall make a list of the persons so sus-
pected of having become disqualified and shall within twenty-four hours
thereafter deposit in the postoffice at Snow Hill by first class mail a notice
addressed to said suspected person at Snow Hill and likewise to such other
address of said person as may be known to such registration officers or
either of them giving notice to the said suspected person to show cause
on or before the following Wednesday why his name should not be stricken
from said list and in the sitting of said registration officers on said fol-
lowing Wednesday they shall consider such suspected cases and act on
the same by striking the same from said registration list or allowing the
same to remain thereon as in their judgment may be proper and they
may also at said second day of their sittings register such applicants for
registration as they may deem are entitled thereto and who shall present
themselves for registration; and any person feeling himself aggrieved by
the action of said registration officers in registering, failing to register,
striking off or failing to strike off the name of any person or persons from
said registration list shall have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court
for Worcester County, Maryland, within five days from the decision ap-
pealed from and the Circuit Court for Worcester County shall hear said
appeals before the second Monday in May; and on the docketing of such
appeal cases the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester County shall
issue summons for the person whose right to vote is in question, return-
able at the hour and place to be fixed by the Court for hearing of such
cases. The registration by revision shall continue for nine years, but every
tenth year there shall be an entirely new general registration, the inter-
mediate years being by revision, that is to say, in the year 1920, there
shall be a new general registration and again in 1930, and every tenth
year thereafter, the registration in intermediate years being by revision