man, one person as tax collector. And if it shall be deemed advisable by
said Mayor and Council, the Mayor shall appoint one person as night
watchman, and one person as counsel to the board; provided, however,
that the policeman may also be collector of taxes, and all of the above named
officers shall be subject to removal by a vote of four-fifths of the whole
Council or by vote of three Councilmen, with the approval of the Mayor.
The Council shall prescribe the duties and fix the compensation of each
of said officers by ordinance, and provided further, that the secretary and
treasurer shall receive the sum of twenty-five dollars per annum exclusive
of his salary as Councilman.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 16.
17. The secretary shall keep a careful and accurate record of all the
proceedings of the Council, and record all the ordinances passed and ap-
proved, in well bound books, to be kept exclusively for that purpose; keep
all books, records, papers and documents in his safe custody, and turn the
same over to his successor in office; issue licenses and permits and receive
the money therefor, and make monthly reports of the same to the Council,
and as treasurer he shall receive all money that may be collected for taxes,
fees, fines or otherwise, by any law or ordinance, or through the policeman-
collector or by himself as secretary, and credit said item under separate
heads, and shall deposit the same in some bank in the town of Berlin to
the credit of the Mayor and Council, promptly, and make monthly reports
of the same. No money shall be paid out except upon order of the Coun-
cil, duly passed and approved by the Mayor and countersigned by said
secretary and treasurer. The secretary and treasurer, the tax collector and
all other officers of said town, except as otherwise specially provided,
whether elected or appointed, before entering upon the duties of the office
to which they are elected or appointed, shall take the oath required by
Article 1, Section 6 of the Constitution, before the Mayor, who is author-
ized to administer all official oaths to officers of said town, and they shall,
each subscribe to said oath in one of the record books of the town kept
for that purpose. The said treasurer shall give bond to the State of Mary-
land in the sum of one thousand dollars to be approved by the Mayor and
Council, conditioned for the good and faithful discharge by him of all
the duties appertaining to his said office of treasurer of Berlin imposed
upon him by the charter, the ordinances and the requirement of the Mayor
and Council; and said bonds shall be recorded among the general records
of the town and also in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Worcester County, and there shall be retained, and his books shall, as
shall all the books of said town, be subject to inspection by the Mayor and
Council or by any taxpayer, and the Mayor and Council may at any time
cause said books to be audited. The failure to approve the bond of the
town treasurer or to record the same as above required shall not affect
the validity of the bond or the liability of any person signing the same,
and a certified copy of the record may be offered in evidence, as well as
the original. The term of office of the said secretary and treasurer, police-