5172 ARTICLE 24.
duty as such judge at any election, he shall, upon conviction thereof, be
adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by imprison-
ment in jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or
by fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred and fifty
dollars, or both by such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 14.
15. The Council shall meet the second Monday ensuing their election,
and shall hold stated meetings the first Monday of every month there-
after, and adjourned or special meetings may be called by the Mayor as
often as necessary for the transaction of business; a majority of the Coun-
cilmen shall constitute a quorum. At the first meeting after the election
of each year the newly elected Councilmen shall be entitled, if duly quali-
fied, to take their seat in the Council, and the Council shall first proceed
to elect a president, whose duty it shall be to preside over the Council in
the absence of the Mayor; and the president of the Council, by virtue of
his office, shall be acting Mayor of Berlin whenever the Mayor of said
town shall be absent therefrom for the space of three days at any one time,
and in such absence of the Mayor he may perform any of the duties im-
posed or conferred upon the Mayor by the provisions of this charter; when-
ever in the charter any powers are conferred upon or any duties imposed
upon the Mayor and Council concurrent action of both the Mayor and
Council shall be necessary for an effective and legal performance of all
acts performed by virtue of the powers so conferred. In all cases where
powers are so conferred on the Council the concurrence or approval of the
Mayor shall not be necessary. In the enactment of resolutions, by-laws
and ordinances, and also in all contracts and business transactions and
all other matters where concurrent action is required, the veto of the Mayor
may be overruled by the four-fifths vote of the Council. In all matters
requiring their concurrent action it shall be the duty of the Mayor to
recommend and advise; but the first action on such matters shall be taken
by the Council, after which it shall be the duty of the Mayor either to
approve or disapprove; and it shall be the duty of the Council to cause
full and accurate minutes to be kept of all their proceedings, and when-
ever the Council shall vote upon the question of the adoption of any reso-
lution, by-law or ordinances, the minutes shall show how many and what
Councilmen voted for the adoption of said resolution, by-law or ordinance,
and also how many and what Councilmen voted against the same, and
each Councilman shall receive an annual salary of fifteen dollars.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 15.
16. At their first regular meeting after their election and the qualifi-
cation of the newly elected members, or as soon thereafter as practicable,
the Mayor, by and with the advice and approval of the Council, shall
appoint one person, who shall be a member of said Council, who shall be
secretary and treasurer to said board; one person who shall be a police-