5174 ARTICLE 24.
man and tax collector shall be one year from the date of their appoint-
ment, or until their successors shall have been appointed and qualified,
subject, however, to removal for cause and after notice as heinafter pro-
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 17.
18. The policeman shall be vested and clothed with all the power and
authority of a constable, and any one resisting him in the discharge of
his duty shall be liable upon conviction in the Circuit Court for Wor-
cester County, or before any Justice of the Peace for said County, in the-
same manner and to the same extent as if he had resisted a constable;
shall also collect the dog taxes and street taxes of the town, and shall
make monthly reports to the Council of all taxes so collected, which report
shall be entered upon the minutes; he shall superintend all work upon
the streets, lanes and alleys of the town and shall assist the Mayor in the
enforcement of the ordinances, and to that end it shall be his duty to
make complaint to some Justice of the Peace against any and every per-
son violating any ordinances of the town; he shall be the executive officer
of the Mayor and Council, and shall serve, deliver or post any order or
notice that under any law or ordinances of the town or under this charter
is to be served, delivered or posted; and all returns made by the police-
man to the Mayor or the Council shall have the same force and effect,
and be entitled to and receive the same credence as a return of a sheriff"
to any process in the Circuit Courts of this State; it shall be his duty as
a peace officer to maintain and preserve the peace, good order and good
conduct within the limits of said town and among all persons found there-
in; he shall repress, prevent and put down disorderly conduct and all
disturbances of the public peace, breaches of the peace, gambling of all
kinds, the unlawful sale of intoxicating drinks and any or all other un-
lawful and criminal acts and conduct whatsoever within the corporate
limits of said town. Upon the application of the policeman for a warrant
of arrest, and upon the information, on oath, of such officer or any other
person who appears with him, or at the direction of said officer to lay
the information, any Justice of the Peace having jurisdiction and author-
ized to issue such a warrant or writ shall issue the same directly to said
policeman, commanding him to make the arrest of the person or persons
named in the information, and said officer shall execute and return said
warrant or writ, but he shall serve no other in the case except the warrant
of arrest. The fines imposed in any case, on trial and conviction of a
defendant for any offence committed within the limits of said town,
whether under the general law of the State or under the local laws and
ordinances of the town where the original warrant or writ was directed
to the policeman of said town, shall be paid over by the Justice of the
Peace before whom said case was tried to the town treasurer, less any part
thereof appropriated by law to an informer; said fine to be part of the
revenue of the town. If any crime or offense against the laws shall be
committed in the presence of the policeman he shall arrest the offender-