5168 ARTICLE 24.
name may sue and be sued, and may purchase and otherwise acquire for
corporate purposes and may hold and possess property, real, personal and
mixed, and may sell, dispose of and convey said property for the benefit
of said town, and may use a corporate seal, and may alter the same at
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 7
8. The corporate authority, government, rights, powers and privileges
of the said town shall be vested in and exercised by a Mayor and five
Councilmen to be selected as hereinafter provided, who shall be real estate
owners and qualified voters of said town twelve months next preceding
their election, and their term of office shall be as hereinafter provided, or
until their successors are elected and qualified.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 8.
9. The taxable and corporate limits of said town shall include all the
land and territory contained and embraced within the following metes and
bounds, courses and distances, to wit: beginning at the southeast corner
of the Buckingham cemetery, and running from thence by and with the
south side of the Newport road, via the African M. E. Church to the
northwest corner of the Major Hill lot, and thence to the intersection of
the Synepuxent road with Hudson's branch; thence to the south side of
the bridge over Nelson's branch on the Taylorville road; thence to the
south side of the bridge at the intersection of the St. Martin's and Whaley-
ville roads; thence to the gate of the heirs of Littleton P. Franklin, on the
Libertytown road; thence to the southwest corner of H. D. Tingle's lot
on the road running from Buckingham cemetery to the D. M. & V. Rail-
road; thence in an easterly course by and with the south side of said road
and the south line of said cemetery to the beginning.
1908, ch. 733 1920 Code, sec. 9.
10. Any male citizen of the United States who has never been con-
victed of any infamous crime, either in this State or elsewhere, but who
has resided within the State for one year and in the corporate limits of
the town of Berlin for six months next preceding the election, and who is
above the age of twenty-one years, shall be entitled to vote at all munici-
pal elections hereafter held in said town of Berlin, provided he shall pos-
sess at least one of the following qualifications, viz: (1) If he is a bona
fide and actual owner of real or personal property to the value of five hun-
dred dollars or upwards, for which he has been duly and lawfully assessed
on the assessment books of said town; or (2) if, prior to January 1. 1868,
he was entitled to vote in the State of Maryland or elsewhere in the United
States at a State election; or (3) if he is a male, lawful descendant of a
person who, prior to January 1, 1868, was entitled to vote in the State
of Maryland or elsewhere in the United States at a State election. And
the male citi/ens of said town of Berlin who are qualified to vote as herein
described and set forth, shall, on the first Monday of May each second