year after 1908, elect by ballot one person to be Mayor, and likewise on
the same day elect by ballot three persons to be City Councilmen to suc-
ceed those whose term of office is about to expire, so as to keep up at all
times the number of said Councilmen to five, and it shall be the duty of
the three newly elected Councilmen at their regular meeting to designate
by lot two of their number to remain in office for four years.
1908, ch 733. 1920 Code, sec. 10.
11. Any person elected as Mayor shall, before he enters upon the duties
of his office, appear before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Worcester
County and make and subscribe the oath or affirmation and declaration
required by the Constitution of this State, and having secured from said
Clerk a certificate of his said declaration and oath shall return the same
to the secretary of the said City Council to be recorded among the pro-
ceedings of the Mayor and Council. And any person elected as Council-
man shall, before he enters upon the duties of his office, make and sub-
scribe before the Mayor of said town the oath or affirmation and declara-
tion prescribed by the Constitution, and having secured from said Mayor
a certificate of his said declaration and oath shall return the same to the
secretary of the City Council to be recorded among the proceedings of
the Mayor and Council, and if any person so elected Mayor or Council-
man shall fail to qualify as above required within thirty days from the
day of his election, the office to which he was elected shall be declared
vacant, and the vacancy shall be filled in the manner hereafter provided
for the filling of a vacancy in said office.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 11.
12. If any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor or Council by
death, removal, resignation, change of residence, failure to qualify or
otherwise, the remaining Councilmen, at their next regular meeting, shall
elect an eligible person as Mayor or Councilman, as the case may be, to
serve until the next election, who shall qualify as hereinafter prescribed,
which shall be certified to and recorded as in the preceding sections, and
at the next election the qualified voters shall elect by ballot an eligible
person to fill said vacancy for the unexpired term.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 12.
13. The Mayor shall see that the ordinances are duly and faithfully
executed and observed, and within sixty days after each election shall
report to the Council the general condition of municipal affairs, accom-
panying his report with such recommendation as he may deem proper for
the public good and welfare of the town; he shall have the power of vetoing
any ordinances as hereinafter provided, and for his services shall receive
an annual salary of not over fifty dollars.
1908 ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 13.
14. The Mayor shall publish in one or more newspapers in said town
or County and by handbills posted conspicuously in said town, at least