in their discretion to sell at either public or private sale and on such rea-
sonable terms as may be to said County Commissioners seem to the best
public interest, the whole or any part of the growing timber on the land
aforesaid without selling the said land or any part thereof, and to execute
such instruments of writing as may be proper to pass title to said timber
to the purchaser or purchasers thereof, and at the same time to grant and
convey to the purchaser or purchasers of such timber as may be sold, such
rights of way and rights of storage and mill sites as may seem right and
proper to said County Commissioners. It is the intention hereof to auth-
orize and empower said County Commissioners to sell said timber and
lands together or separately as to the said County Commissioners may
seem to the best interest; provided, however, that before the said property
and timber or either of them or any part of either of them shall be sold
at private sale it shall first be offered by public auction, after notice of
at least three successive weeks in some newspaper of general circulation
in Worcester County and published therein, stating the time, place, man-
ner and terms of sale.
1910, ch. 396. 1920 Code, sec. 5. 1924, oh. 313.
5. Upon the sale of the whole of said property it shall be the duty of
said County Commissioners of Worcester County to invest the proceeds
of said sale in interest bearing securities, the income from which is to be
used for the care and maintenance of the needy poor of said County under
the supervision of said County Commissioners. If at any time said County
Commissioners of Worcester County shall desire to use a part or the whole
of said fund for the purchase of other property in Worcester County, for
the care and maintenance of the needy poor of said County, and for the
erection thereon of suitable buildings, if such buildings are not already
on the property so purchased, they shall have power to do so.
1914, ch. 737. 1920 Code, sec. 5A.
6. Authority is hereby given the County Commissioners of Worcester
County to sell or lease to the Maryland Agriculture College* for demon-
stration work, any part or all of the Almshouse farm in Worcester County,
and the demonstration work to be done under the supervision of the Mary-
land Agricultural College.
1908, ch. 733. 1920 Code, sec. 6.
7. The inhabitants of Berlin, in Worcester County, are a body cor-
porate under the name and title of the Mayor and Council of Berlin, and
as such body corporate shall have perpetual succession, and by the said
*Now University of Maryland.
+Ch. 584, 1920, authorised Berlin to issue $50,000 of improvement bonds, subject
to referendum vote. Ch. 181, 1924, authorized Berlin to issue $10,000 of bonds for
referendum vote.