5166 ARTICLE 24.
1910, ch. 396. 1920 Code, sec. 2.
2. The said County Commissioners of Worcester County, in addition
to the duties heretofore incumbent upon them, shall be charged with the
further duty of the maintenance and support of the poor of Worcester
County to the same extent as said duty formerly rested upon the said
"The Trustees of the Poor of Worcester County."
1910, ch. 396. 1920 Code, sec. 3.
3. The said County Commissioners of Worcester County are clothed
with the power to adopt such reasonable rules, regulations and by-laws as
to the management of said property and the discharge of their duties in
reference to the poor of Worcester County as in their discretion may seem
to the public interest, and for the good government of the County alms-
house property; to appoint, employ, compensate and remove at their pleas-
ure an overseer or superintendent of said almshouse property, a physician
for the inmates of said almshouse, and such other agents as they may deem
necessary; require the overseer or superintendent to give such bond as they
may deem proper, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties
of his office, which duties shall be prescribed by said County Commis-
sioners, and shall include the duty of keeping and rendering at stated
times to be specified by said County Commissioners a sworn statement of
all the stock, farming utensils and other things that may come to his
hands, including the crops and other articles that may be made on the
estate of said almshouse, and of all expenses and charges attending the
maintenance of said property and of the poor therein and of all money
received by him from the sales of the produce of their labor and from
said property; they may purchase such beds, bedding, clothing and other
supplies and articles as may be necessary from time to time for the rea-
sonable comfort of the inmates of said almshouse, and from time to time
buy and sell such stock, farming implements and other articles as may
be proper in the management of said property to the best public advan-
tage; and they shall keep a full and regular account and record of all
matters pertaining to said almshouse and property in a separate book
to be called "Almshouse Record."
1910, ch. 396. 1920 Code, sec. 4.
4. The said County Commissioners of Worcester County are author-
ized in their discretion to sell at either public or private sale and on such
reasonable terms as may seem to said County Commissioners to the best
public interest, the whole or any part of all that tract of land lying on
the road from Snow Hill to Berlin and in the Second Election District
of Worcester County aforesaid, known and called by the name of "Roch-
ester" and "Purnell's Outlet," or by whatsoever name or names the same
may be known or called, upon which is at present located the County
almshouse and overseer's residence and other County buildings, and to
grant and convey the same to the purchaser or purchasers thereof by a
good and sufficient deed; and they are further authorized and empowered