5152 ARTICLE 23.
of sale, by paying' to the purchaser the amount paid the collector for the
property, with twenty-five per cent, additional. If not redeemed in six
months, the collector or his legal representative shall give a deed to the
purchaser, and such deed shall convey all the title of the delinquent in
such property so sold the purchaser. The collector shall be entitled to
charge a commission of ten per cent, on amount of taxes the property
is sold for. That in addition to the remedy above provided for the en-
forcement of taxes so levied, the collector may, in the name of the "Com-
missioners of Willards," by suit and execution enforce the payment and
collection of taxes, in the same manner and to the same extent as debts
due and owing individuals are now or may be hereafter collected by
process of law.
1927, ch. 27S, sec. 13.
415. The Commissioners, on or before the first Tuesday in July an-
nually levy upon the assessable property subject to taxation for town
purposes a sum sufficient for all general purposes, not to exceed fifty
cents on the one hundred dollars of the assessed value thereof; and such
sums as may hereafter be authorized by the Acts of the General Assembly
of Maryland for the liquidation and payment of indebtedness of said
Town, or any bonds thereof and interest thereon, to be issued under au-
thority of law hereafter passed; which said taxes when assessed and levied
shall be lien upon the real, personal and mixed property against which
it is so assessed; provided, however, that the collector may seize and take
and sell any property of the owner for the purpose of enforcing payment
of such taxes due and owing. Said taxes shall bear interest from the
first day of September succeeding the levy, and all taxes not paid and
in arrears after the first day of January next succeeding said levy may
be collected as hereinbefore set forth.
1927, ch. 278, sec. 14.
416. All property located in the Town of Willards and all property
owned by residents of said Town or corporations having their principal
office therein, assessable for the purpose of State and County taxes as
now or hereafter shall be provided, shall be taxed for the purpose and
expenses of said Town. The Commissioners may, as often as deemed
advisable, cause an assessment to be made of said property, by three
persons to be appointed by them, who shall be taxpayers and residents
of the Town, which assessment the Commissioners may, on good cause
shown, increase or decrease as may be right and proper, but before mak-
ing any increase in said assessment they shall notify the owner of said
property at least five days before time set for increasing said assessment
to appear before said Commissioners to show cause why said increase
should not be made.
1927, ch. 278, sec. 15.
417. The said Commissioners of Willards shall have full power to pass
all by-laws and ordinances not inconsistent with the laws and Constitu-