tion of this State as from time to time they may deem wise, equitable
and expedient for the comfort, health, convenience and prosperity of said
Town and its inhabitants; for the prevention and removal of nuisances,
for the preservation of health and suppression of vice and immorality
within the limits of said town; and for the protection of the property of
said town and its inhabitants.
1927, ch. 278, sec. 16.
418. The Commissioners of Willards shall have power to make by-laws
and pass ordinances to establish grade for streets, gutters and sidewalks
of the Town, the width thereof, and prescribe the material of which same
shall be built; to cause the sidewalks along the streets to be graded,
curbed, paved, repaved or improved at the cost and expense of the owners
of the abutting property, which cost shall be a Hen on the abutting prop-
erty and recoverable by an action at law, or compel by fines or otherwise
the owners or proprietors of any such lot to grade, pave, repave and curb
the sidewalks in front thereof agreeably to ordinances that may hereafter
be passed; to provide by ordinance for the condemning, laying out,
opening, extending and making new streets or alleys, and for altering,
straightening, widening, grading, improving or closing up in whole or
part any existing street or alley, and for removing trees, posts and other
obstructions, and for laying out public squares, drains and water courses;
and all benefits and damages, done, suffered or incurred by laying out,
opening and making of new streets or alleys, or by altering, straighten-
ing, widening, grading, improving or closing up in whole or in part any
existing street or alley, or laying out public squares, drains and water
courses, shall be determined and assessed by three disinterested persons,
or a majority of them, residents of said town, appointed by the said
Commissioners, who shall within ten days after notification of their ap-
pointment, take an oath before a Justice of the Peace of Wicomico County
that they will faithfully and fairly and without partiality or prejudice,
value and assess the loss and damages to be suffered and incurred by any
person or persons interested in said property over, through and by which
the street or alley, square, drain or water course is to be opened, closed,
extended, widened, graded or improved, and also to estimate the benefits
that may accrue therefrom to any such property, over, through and by
which the said street or alley, drain or water course is to be opened,
closed, extended, widened, graded or improved, or any property adjacent
thereto, or any other property injured or benefited by said street, or
alley, drain or water course; they shall give at least, ten days' notice by
posting notices in at least four public places in said town of their pur-
pose to lay out, open, extend, close up, widen, straighten, grade or im-
prove the street or alley, square, drain or water course so directed to be
laid out, opened, extended, closed up, widened, straightened, graded or
improved, and of the day, hour and place of meeting for the said pur-
pose; and they shall meet at the time and place mentioned in said notice
given by them, and proceed to exercise the power and perform the duties