1918, ch. 321, sec. 1.
6. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to erect and maintain a substantial bridge, safe for
travel by pedestrians, teams and vehicles, across Wetipquin Creek, in
Wicomico County, Maryland, at the point where the ferry is now operated
across said creek in said county, within eighteen months from the passage
of this Act, subject to such conditions and limitations as may be prescribed
by the Secretary of War.
See sec. 10.
1922, ch. 28, sec. 1.
7. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County, Maryland, are
hereby authorized and empowered to construct and maintain a new draw-
bridge over the north prong of the Wicomico River, in the City of Salis-
bury, in said county, where Main Street crosses said north prong, on
the location of the present bridge or near thereto.
1922, oh. 28, sec. 2.
8. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to advertise in such newspapers as they deem best
for bids, to erect such bridge as may be necessary to carry out the require-
ments of this Act. Said bridge may be either pivot or lift—bids to be
accompanied by plans and specifications. The said Commissioners to have
the right to reject any or all bids received by them. In case all bids are
rejected, said County Commissioners may contract without further adver-
tising for erection of said bridge.
1922, ch.. 28, sec. 4.
9. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County are hereby author-
ized and empowered to remove the present bridge over the north prong of
the Wicomico River and to erect it at a point called the Wetipquin Ferry
or at some other point, if they deem it advisable. The said Commission-
ers are hereby authorized and empowered to levy a sum sufficient to re-
move the said bridge and to erect it as herein provided, or to make such
other disposition of said bridge as they may deem advisable.
1914, ch. 219, sec. 1.
10. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County, are herebv auth-
orized and empowered to erect and maintain two draw bridges, in Salis-
bury, over the South Prong of the Wicomico River, one at a point where
said prong is crossed by Camden Street, the other where said prong is
*Ch. 657, 1894, authorized the Commissioners to erect drawbridge at Wetipquin
ferry in Tyaskin district.