4984 ARTICLE 23.
T." H. Irving, trustee, by deed dated October 20, 1871, and recorded
among the Land Records of said Wicomico County, Liber T. F. J. R. No.
3, folio 24, and to convey the said property to the purchaser or purchasers
thereof; provided, that before the said County Commissioners shall sell
any part or the whole of said property at private sale, that the said Com-
missioners shall offer the said property for sale at public auction, after
having given notice for at least three successive weeks in some newspapers
printed in said Wicomico County, of the time, place, manner and terms
of sale, and that the said property shall not be sold at private sale for a
less sum than the highest bid offered therefor at public auction.
1906, ch. 442, sec. 2. 1922, ch. 146, sec. 2.
2. The proceeds arising from the sale of any part or portion, or the
whole of said property shall be paid to the County Commissioners of
Wicomico County, and by them be applied to such indebtedness of Wi-
comico County as they may deem best or to the general expenses of said
(All local laws relating to birds and game were repealed by ch. 568, 1927. See 1929
Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 9. 1882, ch. 269.
3. Riding or driving over any iron bridge in Wicomico county, faster
than a walk, shall be a misdemeanor, punishable upon conviction before
a justice of the peace of said county, by a fine of five dollars and costs,
and the offender shall be committed by the justice until such fine and costs
are paid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 10. 1882, ch. 269.
4. To stop or stand upon the draw of any draw or turning bridge in
said county, while the same is being opened or closed, shall be a misde-
meanor, punishable upon conviction before a justice of the peace of said
county by a fine of one dollar and costs, and the offender shall be com-
mitted until such fine and costs are paid.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 23, sec. 11. 1882, oh. 269.
5. The bailiff of the town of Salisbury shall arrest every person vio-
lating either of the preceding sections, within the limits of said town;
and upon conviction as therein provided shall receive the fines imposed,
and pay one-half thereof to the Commissioners of Salisbury, and retain the
other half to his own use; and for making arrests under said section the
bailiff shall have the same fees as constables in criminal cases.
*Ch. 184, 1890, authorized the Commissioners to levy $500 for bridge over Shile's
Creek in Tyaskin district.