4986 ARTICLE 23.
crossed by Division Street, with draws in each of said bridges of sufficient
size to leave, at least, forty feet of said river clear for navigation, and to
erect and maintain one draw bridge over Wetipquin Creek at the point
where the ferry is now operated across said creek in Wicomico County.
1914, ch. 219, sec. 2.
11. The County Commissioners of Wicomico County are hereby auth-
orized and empowered to advertise in such newspapers as they deem best
for bids, to erect such bridges as may be necessary, to carry out the re-
quirements of this Act. Said bridges may be either pivot or lift—bids
to be accompanied by plans and specifications. The said Commissioners
to have the right to reject any or all bids received by them. In case all
bids are rejected said County Commissioners may contract without further
advertising for erection of said bridges.
1894, ch. 72, sec. 1.
12. The County Commissioners of Wicomico and Dorchester Counties
are hereby authorized and empowered in their discretion to construct or
build a bridge over the Nanticoke River at Sharpton, suitable for the use
of the general public, and they may in their discretion contract for the
building or construction of such bridge, upon such terms as to them may
seem proper.
1894, ch. 72, sec. 2.
13. The costs of such construction shall be borne equally by Wicomico
and Dorchester Counties, and the County Commissioners of the said coun-
ties are hereby authorized and empowered to levy on the assessable prop-
erty of Wicomico and Dorchester Counties such sums of money as may be
necessary to meet the costs of constructing or building said bridge, if they
shall so determine.
1890, ch. 447, sec. 1.
14. The County Commissioners of Dorchester and Wicomico Counties
are hereby authorized and empowered to advertise for proposals for con-
structing a bridge across the Nanticoke River, at Vienna, for the passage
of vehicles, and after receiving such proposals may, in their discretion,
contract for the building of such bridge upon such terms as to them may
seem proper; but said County Commissioners shall not be required to con-
tract for the construction of such bridge unless in their judgment the
public convenience shall so demand.
1890, oh. 447, sec. 2.
15. The costs of such construction shall be borne equally by the two
counties, and the said County Commissioners of the said counties are