4954 ARTICLE 22.
cepted, by a two-thirds majority, may allow the Burgess such compensa-
tion for the faithful discharge of his duties as may be considered just
and proper.)
1904, ch. 17, sec. 411.
827. The Burgess and Commissioners, or a majority of them, may
appoint a bailiff for said town, who shall have the same general peace
powers as a constable of Washington county. He shall have authority to
arrest all persons found by him violating any ordinances of the corporation
or on warrant of the Police Justice, and shall be allowed the same costs as
constables are allowed for similar services. They may also allow him
such salary for the performance of such other duties as may be assigned
him and required at his hands as in their judgment may be just and
1904, ch. 334, sec. 411A.
828. The Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport are hereby
authorized and empowered to contract with any person, persons or cor-
poration for the lighting of the streets, alleys and public places of said
town, and to provide for the payment of such lighting.
1904, ch. 334, sec. 411B.
829. The Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport are hereby au-
thorized and empowered to grant the use of the streets and highways of
said town to any street railway company and prescribe the terms and con-
ditions upon which the same may be used, and all ordinances heretofore
passed for such use are hereby ratified and confirmed.
1908, ch. 601, sec. 411C (p. 1077).
830. The Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport are hereby
authorized and empowered to contract with any person, persons or corpo-
ration for the lighting of the streets, alleys and public places of said town
by the use of artificial gas, and to provide for the payment of such lighting.
1908, ch. 601, sec. 411D (p. 1077).
831. The Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport are hereby
authorized to grant a franchise or franchises to any person, persons or cor-
porations allowing them or either of them the use of the streets and high-
ways and public places of said town for the purpose of laying mains and
service pipes for artificial gas, to be used for heating and lighting purposes
through the streets, alleys and public places of said town, and of connect-
ing the same by service pipes to residences and places of business where
the same may be used, and to prescribe the terms and conditions upon
which said streets, alleys and public places may be used for the purpose
herein set forth, and also to name in the franchise so granted the maximum
price that shall be charged therefor, in case the said gas pipes are laid in
the streets, alleys and public places of said town under any franchise
passed in accordance with the provisions of this Act.