1904, ch. 17. sec. 407-
823. The Burgess and Commissioners may meet as often as occasion
requires, but not less than once in every two months, and the Assistant
Burgess, in the absence of the Burgess shall preside at such meetings, and
when the Burgess is present shall have the same power and prerogative
as a Commissioner.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 408.
824. The said Burgess and Commissioners shall have power to appoint
a clerk and to prescribe his duties, and they may allow him such compensa-
tion as they may deem just and proper for the services rendered.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 409. 1906, ch. 30.
825. Annually, after each election and after the qualification of the
officers elected, the Burgess shall, by and with the advice and consent of
the said Commissioners of Williamsport, appoint one of the said Justices
of the Peace in Williamsport to act as a Police Justice of the said corpora-
tion, who shall have power to issue warrants commanding the bailiff of
said corporation or any constable of Washington county to arrest any
person violating any of the ordinances of said corporation and to have
him brought before him for trial, and he shall have the same power to
summon witnesses and to enforce their attendance in these cases that he
has in all other cases coming before him as Justice of the Peace; and after
the trial of such persons he, in case of conviction, may impose such fine
as the ordinances of said corporation in such case provides, not to exceed
the sum of twenty dollars in any case; and the person convicted may, in
default of the payment of the costs and fine, be committed to the jail of
the county until such fines and costs or forfeitures be paid; provided, that
where the parties are committed to jail of the county by the said Police
Justice, acting for the Burgess and Commissioners, the number of days
of imprisonment shall be double the fines and costs, that is to say, for
every one dollar of the amount of the fine and costs the culprit shall have
two days in jail, and where the time has expired according to his com-
mitment, the fine or forfeiture shall be considered as paid and the prisoner
discharged, but in no case shall the term of imprisonment exceed thirty
days in trivial cases. However, the Police Justice may, in his discretion,
place the offender in custody of the bailiff to work out his sentence on the
streets or highways of the town, in which case he shall have credit per
diem the same as other laborers of the corporation are paid, until the fine
and costs be cancelled; and provided that any party feeling aggrieved by
the decision of the said Police Justice can take an appeal to the Circuit
Court for Washington County, but said appeal must be prayed within
ten days after the decision of the said Police Justice.
1904, ch. 17, s«c. 410.
826. The said Police Justice shall be allowed the same costs and fees
for his services as Police Justice as are allowed to Justices of the Peace
for similar services. (The Board of Commissioners, the Burgess ex-