1904, ch. 17, sec. 412. 1922, ch. 422.
832. The Burgess and Commissioners shall have power to pass all
ordinances for the good government of the town; to prevent, remove and
abate all nuisances and obstructions in or upon streets, lanes or alleys,
drains or watercourses in or upon any lot within the said corporation, and
to provide for imposing a fine upon any person causing or creating such
nuisance or obstruction; the Burgess and Commissioners shall have power
to enter into contract with any person, corporation or association to pur-
chase and erect lamps for lighting the streets of the town, and to make
such changes and alterations as they may deem proper; employ lamp-
lighters and other necessary labor and equipments; to remove or to cause
to be removed houses or other structures that may be dangerous to persons
passing along and over any of the highways of said town; to make reason-
able regulations in regard to buildings and porches to be erected in said
town, and to grant building permits for the same; to make and establish
grades upon the streets and highways of said town to be graded, paved, re-
paired or improved, and kerbs to be set and gutters to be laid at the cost
and expense of the abutting property, or compel by fine or otherwise, the
owner or proprietor of any lot to pave or repave the sidewalks or footways;
to set kerbs and lay gutters in front thereof, agreeably to the ordinance
now in force, or which may hereafter be passed; to cause the watercourses,
drains and sewers of the town to be paved, kept in repair and cleaned; to
establish and regulate a station house or lockup for temporary confinement
of violators of the law and ordinances of the town; to suppress vagTancy;
to prohibit or restrain the keeping of bawdy houses or houses of ill-fame
within the limits of said corporation; and to provide for the punishment
of all persons who shall keep, authorize or suffer to be kept any such bawdy
house, or house of ill-fame; to regulate and provide for the issuing of
licenses or permits for all hawking, peddling and vending of wares and
merchandise of every description upon the streets or highways of the said
town, and to issue licenses or permits to all itinerant peddlers who may
go from house to house to sell or to vend any wares or merchandise; to
issue license to any and to all persons entering or beginning transcient busi-
ness in said town for the sale of goods, wares or merchandise; to regulate
and provide for the issuing of license to all traveling persons who dispense
medicines or medical advices; they shall also have power to demand a
license from all players or showmen exhibiting within said corporation or
the corporate limits of the said town; and provide for the licensing such
players and showmen, and to provide for licensing theatres, and to regu-
late and restrain theatrical or other public amusements within said town;
to regulate, license and tax restaurants, breweries, and all other places
where malt, spirituous, viuous and fermented liquors are sold; to regu-
late, license and tax all livery stables within said town, and all hackney
carriages, omnibuses or the other vehicles used in said town for the car-
riage of passengers, all vehicles used for the carriage or transportation of
freight or merchandise, and all carts or other vehicles which ply for hire;
to levy a tax and to impose a license on dogs, and to impose a license on