4952 ARTICLE 22.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 405. 1922, ch. 484.
820. On the first Monday of March, 1923, and on the first Monday of
March of each and every year thereafter, an election shall be held for the
purpose of electing officers of the said corporation. All citizens of Wil-
liamsport twenty-one years of age who shall have resided within the cor-
porate limits of said town six months next preceding the election and who
are registered voters of the State of Maryland shall be entitled to vote at
said election. All citizens of Williamsport twenty-one years of age who
are registered voters and who have, during the year immediately preced-
ing any election, been assessed and paid taxes on real or personal property
in said town, and who shall not be in arrears for taxes to said corporation
at the time of said election, shall be eligible to hold any of the offices here-
inafter provided for. At the election to be held on the first Monday in
March, 1923, and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected three com-
missioners, whose term of office shall be for two years or until their suc-
cessors are duly qualified, and at the election to be held on the first Mon-
day in March, 1924, and biennially thereafter, there shall be elected a
Burgess, Assistant Burgess, and two commissioners, whose term of office
shall be for two years, or until their successors are duly qualified. All
elections shall be held at such hours and conducted according to such
regulations as shall from time to time be prescribed by the by-laws and
ordinances of the corporation and not inconsistent with this charter, and
all persons so elected in pursuance of this section shall hold over in office
until their successors shall have qualified, which must be done within ten
days from the date of their election. Before entering their respective
offices, the burgess-elect shall qualify before the clerk of the Circuit Court
for Washington County as to a faithful discharge of duties, in accordance
with the provisions of this charter and ordinances made in pursuance
thereof, and shall then be authorized to qualify the remaining members-
elect and officers of the board to the same effect.
1920, ch. 357.
821. No person shall be voted for at any election provided for in the
preceding section, and no person shall be eligible to hold any of the offices
provided for in the preceding section, unless such person shall announce
his candidacy for such office by publication in some newspaper published
in Williamsport, Maryland, at least ten days before said election, or unless
such person be nominated at some primary or meeting held by the citizens
of the town of Williamsport and the result of which primary or meeting
has been announced by publication in some newspaper published in said
Washington County at least five days before said election.
1904, ch. 17, sec. 406.
822. If any of the officers elected as aforesaid shall die, resign, remove
from said town of Williamsport or be otherwise disqualified or displaced
before the expiration of the term for which he was elected, then the re-
maining officers shall have the power to fill the vacancy by appointment,
the person so appointed to hold office until the next annual election at
which a person shall be elected to serve the unexpired portion of the term.