cheague creek, at its confluence with the Potomac river, and running along
said bank up stream to the stone bridge; then crossing the said creek on a
line with the lower or west side of said bridge to the east marginal line of
Conococheague Street; thence along the east marginal line of said Conoco-
cheague Street, north 190 feet; thence leaving said street and crossing
the Western Maryland railroad, south 65 degrees east 235 feet to the
eastern right of way line of said railroad; thence with said right of way
line, north 33 degrees east 552 feet; thence leaving said right of way line,
and running along the south side of a lane or alley at the north end of
the property owned by Mrs. W. C. Byron, south 68 degrees east 550 feet
to the west margin of the Williamsport-Greencastle road; thence along
the west margin of said road, south 26 degrees west 227 feet; thence
crossing said road and running along the south margin of a street as shown
on the plat of Cloverton, an addition to Williamsport, south 69 degrees
west 637 feet to the north margin of another 15 feet alley; thence along
the north margin of said alley, south 23 degrees west 637 feet, to the
north margin of another 15 foot alley; and thence along the north margin
thereof, north 68 degrees east 437 feet, to the west margin of another
street as shown on said plat; thence with said street south 13 degrees
50 minutes, east 265 feet to the center of the Hagerstown and Williams-
port road; thence with the center line thereof, south 68 degrees west 346
feet; thence leaving the road and running with the boundaries of the
public playground, south 29 degrees east 468 feet, south 2 degrees 15
minutes east 428 feet, south 7 degrees 45 minutes east 250 feet; thence
along the south boundary line of the playground and the school lot, west
606 feet, to intersect the old corporate boundary of said town at the south
margin of Church Street; thence with said old corporate boundary line,
south 965, more or less, to the north margin of the Boonsboro road; thence
in a westerly direction by the lower end of lock number forty-four on the
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal a distance of 2,650 feet, more or less, to the
low water line of the Potomac river; thence up said river with its several
meanderings a distance of 2,920 feet, more or less, to the place of be-
1929, ch. 457, sec. 404A.
819. On all property situated within the corporate limits of said town
and without the corporate limits of said town as defined by Section 1 of
Chapter 17 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1904,
being the property in the area annexed to said town in the year 1929, as
well as on any property which may have a situs in said area by reason of
the residence of the owner therein, the rate of taxation for the year 1929
shall be one-tenth; for the year 1930, two-tenths; for the year 1931, three-
tenths; for the year 1932, four-tenths; for the year 1933, five-tenths; for
the year 1934, six-tenths; for the year 1935, seven-tenths; for the year
1936, eight-tenths; for the year 1937, nine-tenths, of the rate of taxation
fixed by the Burgess and Commissioners of Williamsport in said respective
years as the rate of taxation for all purposes for said years, and for and
after the year 1938 there shall be a uniform rate of taxation for all
property located within the corporate limits of Williamsport.