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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4944   View pdf image (33K)
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4944 ARTICLE 22.

of three thousand dollars to be levied and paid by the County Commis-
sioners of said county, for the performance of the official duties of his
office, said salary to be in lieu of all fees, appearance and trial, and all
other compensation for the same; provided, however, that his actual ex-
penses incurred in the conduct of his office are not to exceed the sum
of five hundred dollars, per annum; and also his actual expenses incurred
in following and trying criminal cases removed from said county, shall be
paid by said County Commissioners in addition to said salary.

1904, ch. 106, sec. 388B. 1924, ch. 37, sec. 388B.

797. The said salary of three thousand dollars per annum shall be
paid to the said State's Attorney by the County Commissioners of said
county, in equal quarterly instalments on the first day of January, April,
July and October in each and every year, and the said County Commis-
sioners shall levy annually the said sum of three thousand dollars for the
purpose of paying said salary to the said State's Attorney, and the said
County Commissioners shall also levy annually a sum sufficient to meet
the actual expenses incurred by the said State's Attorney in the conduct
of his office, not to exceed the sum of five hundred dollars, and also a sum
sufficient to meet the actual expenses incurred by the said State's Attorney
in following and trying criminal cases removed from said county.*

1929, ch. 270.

798. From and after June 1, 1929, it shall be the duty of the State's
Attorney for Washington County to maintain a Bureau of Identification
and Criminal Investigation, and he shall employ, subject to the approval
of the County Commissioners of Washington County, a competent man
at a salary of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per month to
conduct the work of said Bureau, the man so appointed to be capable of
doing finger print, photographic, criminal investigation, and detective
work, and to devote so much of his time as the State's Attorney may direct
to criminal identification and criminal investigation work in Hagerstown
and Washington County, under the direction and supervision of the
State's Attorney. The County Commissioners of Washington County shall
pay the necessary expenses for the maintenance of said Bureau not to
exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00) per month as follows: the afore-
mentioned salary of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($150.00) per
month; printing, stationery, telephone, stamps, traveling expenses, and
other expenses that may be necessary for the maintenance of said Bureau
not to exceed Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per month, and shall levy for the
same as expenses of the State's Attorney's office. The County Commis-
sioners shall also levy the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars ($900.00) for
the purchase of equipment, furniture, etc., for said Bureau, the said sum
to be provided for in the first levy to be made on or after June, 1, 1929.
Bills for all expenses of said Bureau must be presented direct to the
County Commissioners for payment by the County Commissioners, made

*Sec. 2, ch. 37, 1924, repealed all Acts inconsistent therewith.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4944   View pdf image (33K)
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