said provisions had been herein incorporated. The said Water Board
shall make rules and regulations for the construction, erection, manage-
ment and maintenance of said Water Works and Water Distribution Sys-
tem and shall establish rates for water service, and shall make a semi-
annual report of their proceedings and of the condition of said Water
Works and Water Distribution System to the Burgess and Commissioners
of Smithsburg; they shall have power to enter into contracts for building
said Water Works and Water Distribution System, to contract for material
thereof, to employ all necessary labor and clerks, and to fix their com-
pensation, and the four persons appointed to said Water Board shall be
appointed for the term of one, two, three and four years, respectively, as
to the first appointees, and their successors shall be appointed for the term
of four years. Any member of the Water Board shall be eligible for
reappointment, and the Burgess of said town for the time being shall
always be ex officio a member of said Water Board.
1929, ch. 97, sec. 4.
794. For the purpose of paying said bonds at maturity and the interest
thereon, the Burgess and Commissioners are authorized and required to
levy such amount of taxes upon the property within the taxable limits of
said town as may be necessary to enable them, in connection with the
revenue arising from said Water Works and Water Distribution System,
to pay said bonds and the interest thereon, as same becomes due and the
operating expenses and necessary repairs to said Water Works and Water
Distribution System; in each year until all of said bonds shall be paid off,
the said taxes' so collected shall be paid to the Treasurer appointed by
said Water Board, and the amount levied for this purpose shall be in ad-
dition to the amount now authorized by law. The moneys arising from
water rents shall be applied, first, to the payment of current expenses of
said Water Works and Water Distribution System; secondly, to payment
of interest on bonds, and, thirdly, as to any balance to provide a sinking
fund for the payment of said bonds; and when any bond is paid off it
shall be immediately burned and the fact aoted in the registration book
hereinbefore required; and said Water Board is hereby directed to pro-
vide and locate convenient hydrants and fire plugs for the protection of
property from fire.
1929, oh. 97, sec. 5.
795. The titles to said Water Works and Water Distribution System,
with all the land, conduits, privileges, franchise and materials thereto
appertaining shall vest in the Burgess and Commissioners of Smithsburg
in their corporate capacity.
1904, ch. 106, sec. 388A. 1924, ch. 37, sec. 388A.
796. The State's Attorney for Washington County shall receive for
the year 1924 and for each and every year thereafter an annual salary