out and sworn to on the regular forms in use by the County Commissioners
and must be certified to by the State's Attorney, and all false swearing
in such affidavits shall be deemed perjury and be punished as such.
An office shall be provided for the said Bureau at Police Headquarters
in the City of Hagerstown, Maryland.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 389. 1874, ch. 166.
799. It shall be the duty of the county surveyor or his authorized
deputy, to survey all public roads opened by the county commissioners, and
to record the same in the book mentioned in the succeeding section.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 390. 1874, ch. 166.
800. It shall be the duty of the county surveyor to prepare a road book
for the use of the county commissioners, said book to be furnished by
them, in which said book the public roads heretofore opened, or which
have been and are now used as public roads, shall be fully and accurately
described, giving the length of said road, the number and kind of bridges,
the nature of ground over which said roads pass, the streams they cross,
and such other information as may be deemed useful, together with an
estimate of the cost of keeping said roads in repair.
P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 391. 1874, oh. 166. 1894, ch. 267. 1904, ch. 366.
801. It shall be the duty of the County Surveyor when thereto re-
quested by the County Commissioners, to make a map establishing the
grade and location of any road, bridge, draw, ditch or watercourse now
established or in contemplation in said county, and make map or maps
showing such location and the grade in profile of any such road, bridge,
draw, ditch or watercourse; and in full compensation for all services ren-
dered by said Surveyor under the provisions of this section, and of any
other section of the Code of Public General Laws and the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, regulating the duties of County Surveyor of
Washington County, the County Commissioners of Washington County
are authorized and required to pay to the said County Surveyor, as salary,
the annual sum of four hundred dollars in quarterly instalments of one
hundred dollars each.
1920, ch. 467, sec. 1.
802. For the purpose of encouraging the erection of modern housing
facilities, homes and dwellings in Hagerstown and elsewhere in Washing-
ton County, the County Commissioners of said county are hereby author-
ized and empowered to exempt from county taxation for a period not
exceeding five years from June 1, 1920, such housing facilities, homes
and dwellings as may be erected in said Hagerstown or elsewhere in said
county, on and after the first day of April, 1920; said County Commis-