the same power to summon witnesses and to enforce their attendance, and
also the same general peace powers within said corporation as justices of
the peace of the State have; and in case of conviction of persons brought
before him for trial ho; may impose such fine as the ordinances of the
corporation in such cases provide; and the person convicted, in default of
payment of the fine and costs, may be committed by the said Burgess, or
assistant Burgess, in the absence of the Burgess, to the jail of the county
until such fine and costs are paid, said period of commitment not to exceed
thirty days; the said burgess shall keep a docket for corporation cases and
therein record and make regular entries of his proceedings, in all cases
setting forth the fine, imprisonment or other punishment imposed, and the
amount of costs; and he shall submit said docket to the inspection of any
person who may request to see the same, and, upon the demand of any
person interested, shall deliver a copy of any judgment rendered by him;
from any judgment rendered by the said Burgess, or the assistant Burgess,
in the enforcement of the ordinances of the town, an appeal shall lie by
the person aggrieved to the Circuit Court for Washington County; pro-
vided the appeal is taken within fifty hours after the rendering of the
judgment, and provided the person aggrieved shall enter into good and
sufficient bond for the faithful prosecution of the appeal, and for the pay-
ment of all costs if the judgment be affirmed; but no appeal shall stay
process or execution upon judgment unless a bond be given as above pro-
vided. The Burgess shall be the treasurer of said corporation, and shall
give bond, with good security, to be determined by the- Commissioners, and
he shall report to the Commissioners at the end of his term of office, or at
any time the said Commissioners may desire the condition of municipal
affairs; the Burgess, in case he may misapply the funds of the corpora-
tion that may be placed in his hands, shall be liable to prosecution as pre-
scribed in Section 774 of this Article; the said Burgess, and in his absence
the assistant Burgess, shall be allowed for his services provided in this sec-
tion the same costs as are allowed to justices of the peace for similar
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 368. 1888, ch. 313.
769. The assistant burgess shall aid the burgess in the execution of the
ordinances of the town, and in the absence of the burgess he shall perform
the duties of burgess. At the meeting of the corporation officers he shall
have all the rights and privileges of a commissioner when the burgess is
present. The assistant burgess and the three commissioners shall qualify,
either before a justice of the peace in and for Washington county, or before
the qualified burgess of said corporation of Smithsburg, in accordance
with oath given in Section 781.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 369. 1888, ch. 313.
770. In case of a vacancy by death or otherwise of two of the qualified
officers of the corporation other than the burgess, then an election shall be
held to fill said vacancies in accordance with Section 765.