4932 AETICLE 22.
twelve months next preceding the election shall, on the third Monday in
March, A. D. 1922, elect by ballot, a person, not under twenty-three years
of age, a citizen of the United States, and two years a resident of said
town next preceding the election, to be a Burgess of said town, and also
an assistant Burgess and three Commissioners, who shall remain in office
for the term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified;
and thereafter, on the third Monday of March of each and every year,
they shall elect by ballot a person, not under twenty-three years of age,
a citizen of the United States, and two years a resident of the said town,
next preceding the election, to be Burgess of said town, and an assistant
Burgess and three Commissioners, to remain in office for the term of one
year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The Burgess
elected at an election shall, before entering upon the discharge of his
duties, take the oath of office before the Clerk of the Circuit Court for
Washington County, in the State of Maryland.
1900, ch. 504, sec. 365A.
766. The said Burgess shall be paid a salary for his services out of the
moneys belonging to the said Burgess and Commissioners, and raised by
taxation; the said salary not to exceed the sum of twenty dollars per
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 366. 1888, ch. 313.
767. In case of a vacancy in the office of burgess, by death or other-
wise, then the assistant burgess shall perform the duties of the office of
burgess for the unexpired term; but in case any person who may have
been elected as burgess, assistant burgess or commissioner, at any general
election, shall fail or refuse to qualify as. burgess, assistant burgess or
commissioner, within twenty days after service of notice as hereinafter
provided, then the retiring burgess, at the expiration of twenty days, shall
by public notice order another election to fill the vacancy caused by a
refusal of any of those elected to qualify; and if the retiring burgess fails,
at the expiration of said twenty days, to order said election, he shall be
liable to indictment in the circuit court for Washington county, and upon
conviction shall be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 367. 1888, ch. 313. 1900, ch. 504, sec. 367.
768. The Burgess, and in his absence the assistant Burgess, by virtue
of his office, shall preside at all meetings of the Commissioners, and in
case of a tie vote he shall have the deciding vote; he shall faithfully exe-
cute the ordinances of the town; the Burgess, and in his absence the assist-
ant Burgess, for the enforcement of the town ordinances, shall have all
power of ordering arrests, summoning witnesses, issuing warrants, com-
manding the bailiff of said corporation or any constable of Washington
County to arrest any person violating any of the ordinances of the town
or corporation, and have him brought before him for trial; he shall have