twenty-one (121) perches, crossing the Smithsburg and Waynesboro road
at what was formerly Thomas J. Ridenour's stable; thence south twenty-
six (26) degrees, east ninety-two (92) perches, crossing the Raven Rock
road at a point thirty-seven (37) feet northeastwardly from the Shank's
and Grardenour's corner-post on the southern margin of the road, northeast
of Shank's house, and crossing the Western Maryland Railroad east of
Towson's barn; thence south forty-eight and three-fourths (48 3/4) degrees,
west seventy-two and eighty-eight hundredths (72.88) perches to a point
in Dr. Bishop's private road, in the east marginal line of South Main
Street in said town of Smithsburg; said point being also on the north
marginal line of the road known as the "Well Road," extended, and run-
ning thence with said east marginal line of South Main Street, south
thirty-four (34) degrees and twelve (12) minutes east, thirty and five-
tenths (30 5/10) feet; thence south thirty-one (31) degrees and thirty-five
(35) minutes, east two hundred fourteen (214) feet to a point at a short
distance northeast of R. H. Wolf's residence; then crossing said South
Main Street and along the property of R. H. Wolf, south sixty-two (62)
degrees and fifty-seven (57) minutes, west three hundred twenty-four and
one-tenth (324 1/10) feet to a point in R. H. Wolf's Peach Orchard;
thence north twenty-eight (28) degrees and thirty (30) miimtes; west two
hundred sixty-two (262) feet to a point in the north marginal line of the-
aforesaid "Wells Road," said point being also a southwest corner of the
lot that stands at the corner of the Well Road and South Main Street; said
point is also in the Old Borough Limits of the corporate limits of Smiths-
burg; thence with the old line south sixty-nine and one-half (69 1/2) de-
grees, west one hundred five and two-tenths (105 2/10) perches to the
southwest corner of a lot of ground formerly belonging to Charles Hite-
shew; thence north forty-six and one-half (46 1/2) degrees, west forty-eight
and sixty-four hundredths (48 64/100) perches, to the middle of the Old
Mill lane or road southeast of the Western Maryland crossing; thence
north twenty-eight and three-fourths (28 3/4) degrees, west seventeen and
six-tenths (17 6/10) perches to the middle of the Hagerstown and Smiths-
burg Turnpike; thence south forty-eight and three-fourths (48 3/4) de-
grees, west six perches; north thirty-two and one-quarter (32 1/4) degrees,
west thirty-three and six-tenths (33 6/10) perches, with the western
boundary line of the Smithsburg Cemetery to its northwest comer, and
from thence north thirty-two and one-half (32 1/2 ) degrees, east, one hun-
dred fifty-three (153) perches, to the place of beginning; providing, how-
ever, that for sanitary and police purposes the Burgess and Commissioners
of Smithsburg shall have control, and exercise full powers for a distance
of one-half mile in every direction from the said corporate limits.
761-764. Vacant.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 365. 1888, oh. 313. 1900, ch. 504, sec. 365. 1902, ch. 171.
1922, ch. 46.
765. That all citizens of the State of Maryland, entitled to the right
of franchise therein and who have resided in the town of Smithsburg for