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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4701   View pdf image (33K)
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1904, ch. 219, sec. 48. 1914, ch. 137, sec. 48. 1929, ch. 300, sec. 48.

54. The Clerk shall keep careful and accurate minutes of the proceed-
ings of the Council, and record all ordinances passed, in a book to be kept
exclusively for that purpose, called the ordinance book; keep all records,
papers and documents of the town in safe custody. He shall file all ac-
counts and claims presented against the town, and whenever any account
is approved and passed by the Burgess and Council, he shall make a record
of the same in a book to be kept for that purpose. He shall perform such
other duties as are imposed upon him by law, ordinance or order of the
Burgess and Council. He shall be allowed a sum not exceeding twenty-
five dollars ($25.00) a year as compensation for his services, and shall not
receive any other fee or compensation whatever.

1904, ch. 219, sec- 49. 1929, ch. 300, sec. 49.

55. The Tax Collector shall collect all taxes assessed and levied by the
Burgess and Council for general or special purposes to which they may be
thereto lawfully authorized. He shall keep an account of all moneys col-
lected and received by him, and pay over the same to the treasurer of the
said town at such time as may be provided by ordinance or resolution of
the Burgess and Council. He shall make, under oath, quarterly reports,
viz: To the first regular meetings of the Burgess and Council in August,
November, February and May next succeeding the date of his appoint-
ment, or at any other time when called upon by the Burgess and Council,
showing the condition of his receipts and disbursements. The tax col-
lector shall give bond to the Burgess and Council to be approved by them,
for faithful discharge of his duties in such penalty as they may prescribe,
not less than double the amount of the taxes levied, and shall receive the
sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) a year as compensation for his services, and
shall not reecive any other fee or compensation whatever; any tax collector
who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be liable to indictment
in the Circuit Court for Washington County, and, upon conviction, shall
be fined or imprisoned, or both, at the discretion of the Court.

1904, oh. 219, sec. 50. 1929, ch- 300, sec. 50.

56. The Council shall select one of their number or the Assistant Bur-
gess to act as treasurer of the town for the year succeeding the date of his
appointment. The treasurer shall receive from the tax collector all moneys
collected and received by the said tax collector., and also from the Burgess
all moneys collected and received by the Burgess for licenses granted or
fines paid, and all other moneys provided by law to be to him paid; shall
safely keep all moneys received by him from the Burgess and tax collector
as aforesaid, or any preceding treasurer, and pay out such sums only as
may be ordered by the Burgess and Council and upon warrants drawn on
him, signed by the Burgess, and attested by the clerk. He shall make,
under oath, semi-annual reports, viz: To the first regular meetings of the
Burgess and Council in November and May next succeeding the date of
his appointment, or at any other time when called upon by the Burgess
and Council, showing the condition of his receipts and disbursements; he


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4701   View pdf image (33K)
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