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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4702   View pdf image (33K)
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4702 ARTICLE 22.

shall give bond, receive for his services as said treasurer the sum of ten
dollars ($10.00) in addition to his compensation as assistant burgess or
councilman, and be subject to the same penalties as herein provided for
the tax collector.

1929, oh. 300, sec. 50A.

57. The salaries fixed by Sections 47, 48, 54, 55, and 56 of this Article
shall be applicable to the Burgess, Assistant Burgess, Councilmen, Clerk,
Tax Collector and Treasurer elected at the regular election held in May,
1929, in said town, or appointed to said offices after said election, and to
their successors elected or appointed thereafter.

1904, ch. 219, sec. 51.

58. No warrants shall be drawn on any treasurer after his successor
shall have qualified, but all money in the hands of the retiring treasurer
shall be immediately paid over by him to the succeeding treasurer, after
such succeeding treasurer shall have qualified, who shall receive the same;
and all retiring tax collectors shall collect the unpaid taxes due for the
year of his respective appointment, and pay the same as collector to the
then incumbent treasurer, who shall receive the same.

1904, ch. 219, sec. 52.

59. The Burgess and Council shall fix the salaries of other officers of
the town, and may exact bonds to the town in such penalty as they may
deem right for the faithful and proper performance of the duties imposed
upon them by law and the ordinances of the town.

1904, ch.. 219, sec. 53.

60. The Burgess and Council shall have power to pass all ordinances
necessary for the good government of the town, to prevent, remove and
abate all nuisances or obstructions in or upon the streets, highways, lanes
or alleys, drains or water-courses, or in or upon any lot adjacent thereto,
and to provide for imposing a fine on any person causing or creating any
such nuisance or obstruction; to remove or cause to be removed houses or
other structures that may be dangerous to persons passing along and over
any of the highways of the town; to make reasonable regulations in regard
to buildings to be erected in said town, and to grant building permits for
the same; to make and establish grades upon the streets and highways of
the town, to cause 'Sidewalks along the public streets and highways of said
town to be graded, paved and repaired, and improved curbs to be set and
gutters laid at the cost and expense of the abutting property or the owner
thereof; or compel by fine or otherwise the owner or proprietor of any lot
to pave or repave the sidewalks or footways, to set curbs .and lay gutters
in front thereof, agreeably to the ordinances now in force, or which may
be hereafter passed; to cause the wartercourses, drains or sewers of the
town to be paved, kept in repair and cleaned; to grant licenses on market-
able commodities; to control and protect the public grounds and property
of the town; to establish and regulate a station house or lockup for con-
finement of violators of the laws and ordinances of the town; to suppress


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 4702   View pdf image (33K)
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