noon, be deemed a secular business day. This section shall not apply to
or control any Saturday made a legal holiday by Article 13 of the Code
of Public General Laws of Maryland.
(All local laws relating to birds and game were repealed by oh. 568, 1927. See
1929 Supplement to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
P. L. L,., 1888, Art. 22, sec. 35. 1860, Art. 21, sec. 29. 1904, ch. 219, sec. 35.
41. The inhabitants of Boonsboro, in Washington County, are created
a corporation by the name of the Burgess and Council of Boonsboro, and
by that name shall have perpetual succession, may sue and be sued, may
have and use a common seal, and possess such other incidents and powers
as attach by law to a municipal corporation, and may purchase and hold
real, personal and mixed property for the benefit of said corporation;
provided, however, that the Burgess and Council shall not purchase or
acquire any real estate unless the said Burgess and Council shall first pro-
vide by ordinance for said purchase and the mode and manner of payment
therefor, and all ordinances for the purchase of real estate shall provide
for submitting the question of said purchase to the qualified voters of said
town at some regular election for the election of Burgess and Councilmen
of said town, and before any such ordinance shall b'e submitted to the-
qualified voters of the town at least four weeks' public notice shall be given
by handbills posted in at least fifteen conspicuous places in the town of
an intention to submit said ordinance to the qualified voters of the town,
and said notice shall set forth the ordinance in full and the mode and
manner of payment proposed, and no ordinance for the purchase of real
estate shall be of any force or validity unless it shall receive a majority
of all the votes cast as such election.
1904, ch. 219, sec. 36.
42. The government of said town shall be vested in a Burgess, Assist-
ant Burgess and five Councilmen, to be elected as hereinafter provided.
No person elected and qualified as Burgess, Assistant Burgess or Council-
man, or any person holding any office by election, appointment or other-
wise, under the provisions of the sub-title of this Article, or by virtue
thereof, shall, during the term of his office, be interested, directly or indi-
rectly, in any contract in which the town is a party or is interested; nor
shall any such person, while holding such office, be directly or indirectly
engaged in furnishing work, labor or materials for said town; and any
person violating the provisions of this section shall be proceeded against
by indictment in the Circuit Court for Washington County, and, upon
conviction, be fined and imprisoned, or both, in the discretion of the court.
*Ch. 506, 1900, authorized Boonsboro to issue bonds for water works, subject to
referendum, but the Act was not submitted to the voters.